NAC 252 record out

Quick question to check I have interpreted the manual properly and before I go through checking the way my leads are wired once again.

As I read things, a correctly wired DIN plug in the aux 1 socket provides the record out signal for any input selected i.e. if I play a source connected to CD in, there should be a record out signal via the din plug connected to aux 1.

Does that sound correct?

You need to press the lower CD button in order to get a record out via Aux 1.

If you’ve pressed that lower button and if there is no record out on Aux 1, it almost certainly means that the 5 pin cable connected to Aux 1 is wired incorrectly.

Thanks - yes, it sounds as though the cable needs changing.

As Nigel mentions, it’s probably a cable wired as an input cable rather an ouput cable at the DIN5 plug, that’s causing the issue.

I would just check the same cable on the tape in/out and av in/out sockets to be sure it’s not 252 related. Also check the lower record bank mute button is not enabled.

I think it was the cable. Checking with a circuit tester did show it was wired properly but in the end I swapped it for a different cable and tried a different laptop and everything worked well. I swapped the laptop (from a MacBook Pro to a much older Lenovo Windows) because I wondered if the input device (a Behringer) was causing a problem with the Mac. The Behringer worked without problems on the Lenovo and I now have a nice WAV file of the album. I’m going to swap back to the MacBook to try again as I doubt that was really the problem, but for now I’m happy with the result.
It’s the end of a year long project to put a copy of Aranjuez by Jean Christian Michel onto my NAS.
I lost the original recording during a move and it took a while to find it again on vinyl - no CD copies seem to exist.
So it’s all been worthwhile - I am quite taken by Aranjuez and have a number of versions that I like, but the JCM is my favourite. Then again perhaps I should start a thread to see what other people like best in case I’m missing some (hopefully not just vinyl!)
Thanks for the help.

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