NAC 282: suggestions for phono amp

The StageLine N is one possible partner and with the right lead it can be powered from the powered Aux input on the 282 or upgraded with it’s own dedicated PSU.

However, there are some MM carts that have synergy with the StageLine N. And many more that do not. The capacitance rating (pretty high on the StageLine N) will not necessarily help you understand which carts to pair with it so I would suggest the StageLine N route if a dealer with a long history of supporting it who can help guide you.

Personally, I love how the StageLine N sounds, but it isn’t adjustable or flexible. Other phono amps on the market offer more bells and whistles for adjusting to whatever cart you might have - but at a cost. A single StageLine N is great value for money.


Since you already have a Supernait with it’s in built mm phono and you want something decent I’m thinking you want something that is better than that. I’d try Goldnote PH 5 and Lejonklou Slipsik. Caveat, I haven’t heard either this is nearly a suggestion to try them

The Goldnote also has many adjustment so will suit a lot of different carts

A stageline N is surprisingly capable, or has been so far with a Goldring 1042 and Decca maroon, rumour has it that it’s not so good with Ortofon MMs but whether that opinion is held from experience can be hard to tell sometimes, I’ve no experience of that combination myself.

Hi, you’ll also need a snaic4 to connect the 282 to your supernait.


Thank you to everybody for the good advice. Regards

Thank y’all for the advice. Will collect the 282 this weekend and take it from there. I will audition Rega and StageLine phono amps but not a Gold Note. I bought one and felt it was overrated so sold it 2nd hand for almost as much as I paid for it a year later.
Does anybody use a Graham Slee MM phono amp?

I have a Goldring 1042 cart on my Linn LP12 and Ortofon Black MM on the Thorens, both are excellent.

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With a supernait 3 or stageline N or both?

I have 2 set ups, one with Supernait 3 and another with olive NAIT 3. Use phono amp in the Supernait and Naim phono board in the NAIT. Both are decent but a 282 is a chance to upgrade the phone amp. I play vinyl more than anything else.

Anything with the Lejonklou or Graham Slee Projects name on it, preferably the best your budget allows.

You could be right. Lejonklou is a new brand to me and their MM Slipsik looks very good.

May I ask which model Goldnote RIAA you bought?

Never heard the GoldNote but I can strongly recommend a later model Slipsik. Used, it’ll cost ~$1000 which is 3x the cost of a used Stageline.

I must correct myself. I heard the Goldnote ph-10 compared to the Lejonklou in a store once. Everyone agreed both that the Lejonklou was good and that the Goldnote was a lot better. However that was the PH-10 which is more expensive than the PH-5.

@norfolk_boy probably the same question that is used to narrow down speakers is also prudent here, before everyone just recommends what they use.

What brands of Phonostage do the dealers in your area actually handle? If you are going to approach a dealer, then your shortlist is made for you already. What your dealers have, is what you will choose from.

If you don’t have a dealer then of course, whatever you choose will be buying on a punt, but assuming you’re UK based, I suspect, the selection is already narrowed down for you. Maybe you could tell us what your dealer actually stocks?

I used PH 10 but the Lejonklou looks good. I play vinyl more than stream of play cds. The thing is I will not be able to hear one demonstrated because I live in Norfolk.

I did like the sound of the PH 10 but I did not like the interface at all. Did not have a separate power supply which would probably have made it better. And it is expensive.

I got the 282 for £1250. I can buy a Lejonklou Sipsik for the same money or a Graham Slee Accession with Enigma PSU for under £1200. I believe a good phone amp is really important but do not really want to pay more. And when I listened to MM carts on a Linn LP12 the only ones I liked were all over £1000! And with Gold Note I am paying for the MC stage too.

In a nutshell I am on a budget.

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Local dealers stock Graham Slee, Gold Note, Lehman, Naim, Chord and Pro - Ject. And none of them are likely to have more than 2 of them in stock which makes comparison a little more tricky.


Okay but now you know what you have to work with. No point recommending exotica brand X if it’s not a purchasing option.

I would suggest reading up about what they have and whittle it down to about three you might like to try. Keep it manageable.

Again, thank you for all your help and advice. I will go on a mission to audition a Sipsik, something I would not be doing beforehand. Having separate pre- and power amps is a new exciting experience for me.

My current shortlist is Sipsik, Graham Slee Accession + Enigma and Gold Note PH 5 with its power supply.

If it was me I would add a Dynavector P75 to the list. I heard one a long time ago on a 282 and preferred it to the Stageline. Cartridge was an entry level Lyra.

I believe Basically Sound based in Norfolk UK stock it.


Thank you for your suggestion.
The guy who sold me the 282 uses Basically Sound as his main dealer. Small world.

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