Hi all. Have the pleasure of owning the great-sounding 332 these days, but am experiencing some concerning behaviour whereby one of the channels (almost always the right) is not audible when waking from standby. This is now happing roughly 20% of the time, with the same general pattern - I wake the system (one button press for all of 333/332/250) and begin to stream. If the right channel is missing, I change the input from streamer to phono, wait 5 seconds, then change it back. I don’t touch anything else… and this resolves the problem. I feel like this kind of thing only gets worse over time so wondering if I’m going to have to send it in to Naim already. I saw a post where @Seacat77 mentions something like this so maybe there’s a path to fixing it permanently.
You should contact your dealer with a view to a repair under warranty.
Have you tried a reset of your 332?
I hadn’t before, but just did the reset. Now am experiencing strange behaviour with the system automation. It seems that there’s only one-way communication for volume; the signal goes from the 332 to the 333 but not the reverse. This hadn’t been an issue before resetting. Here’s what I can see:
Naim App shows system automation is on and 333 is wireless paired with 332.
Power button on either unit or either remote will turn the whole system on/off.
333 standby on the Naim App will turn the whole system on/off.
Changing volume via the 332 knob or remote works and displays volume on 333 screen.
Changing volume via the Naim app or 333 remote doesn’t affect the 332 at all.
Ok, well a full mains power down at the outlet seems to have restored the volume control via the App and the 333, so right now all is working as expected. Fingers crossed.
I did a full power down / unplug from the mains to connect a M6 power strip last week.
The Chanel drop out hasn’t come back again.
Fingers crossed it’s all reset and fixed.
Seems my woes continue. While the streamer input now sounds correct, the phono input is playing with exceedingly low volume following the reset, and oddly the streamer and phono inputs are conflicting/crossing with each other. I checked the trim settings for both inputs and they’re all in the default middle position as expected. Getting very concerned about this preamplifier.
Course of action to progress this, has already been posted at post 2.
Involve your dealer, no ifs or buts; respectfully no excuses.
Put simply, turn off your system, then contact your dealer, to avoid any potential damage if it is not performing as expected.
The forum is great for advice, but it does not replace involving dealers, where new equipment is concerned.
Yes, am working on that. Unfortunately a little more complicated but hopefully I’ll be able to bring the NAC 332 in next week. In the meantime, I’ve managed to swap in an old UQ2 as pre-amp using some very basic cabling, and am rather pleasantly surprised at how good it sounds! If only I could see the screen.
For info only. You don’t need a preamplifier. You can connect your NSS 333 to the power amp directly via its XLR output.
Then via Naim app select XLR for audio output. Then disable the system automation. This step is necessary to have the volume control mode in settings ( this voice is hidden in the Naim app with system automation enabled) Leave the default “ variable “ and you’re done.
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