NAC 332 v 552 - any direct comparison?

Given all the subjectivity and real differences b/w listening environments and personal preferences I doubt many observations here are comparable. Lots of group think and confirmation bias to be shared though.

The comment was 500 series not just 500DR. So that is 552DR, 500DR, ND555 and 555PSDR is better than full 300 series.

Jason said itā€™s around Ā£90k of kit.

They are keeping 500DR series as it is which is why they have. Hanged the colour of the display lights from green to white. It was very clear what was being said by Naim.


Yes, a NAC552 definitely ahead of a NAC332 - as it should be! However an S1 pre-amp a sizeable step beyond the 552*ā€¦

*unless you need the record out facilities of the 552, in which case the S1 is not in contention.


Iā€™d take the 350ā€™s anyday over a 500.

I have no problem with other peopleā€™s opinion and those that prefer 500.
In fact I donā€™t care one Iota what people prefer.

What I appreciate is people form and express their own opinion, not somebody elseā€™s opinion.

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Do you mean that no replacement is on the cards by that?
Surely not i hope.

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Steve Sells came in and said a Mk2 statement would be a project.

Maybe a few years for a new 500 series refreshed.

What was clear was that 500 series would remain as it is for a few more years.


I am surprised that the new 332 with power supply cannot better the 552dr for SQ in naimā€™s opinion. Especially with the much inpoved volume control and no pots on the volume and balance anymore.
But there we go i guess.

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Plenty of time to get saving then!

Iā€™m not surprisedā€¦

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I guess that demonstrates just how good the 552 still is :+1:

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I am
As normally the relay volumes are excellent and a huge inpovement over any pot.

Anyway, I am back from the trip after going to Stonehenge and Sailsbury cathedral for the day and blasting my system.

And the 500 series DR is sounding absolutely epic to me, playing my music in my house and is simply superb.

And I think my speakers are superbly matched in my room.

Listening to Focal Scala Utopias was nice but they are massive. Not sure they would be right for my room.


Why do you prefer the 350? From their looks I agree.

Thereā€™s a lot more to a NAC552 than just the pot though.


Are you sure your 552 was not in any way faulty - mine is soo good and with 500dr pure magic. But 500dr has needed some days (a lot) to come on song

Same here currently into my 606 (with dull naca5 :rofl:) - wonderful

But not in his own system, as I have. The 332/NPX300 is significantly better than the outgoing 552, if it was not I would have returned it for exchange as my dealer had held the 552 in case I found the 332 to be inferior.


My dealer advised that this was the party line.

Going from 52 to 552DR with 500DR in place I have found it to be a huge improvement. 2017 model. So all good in terms of not needing a service.

52 was wonderful and serviced. 552DR different league. Yes POTs is a bit jittery on remote but not worried about that. Itā€™s a superb pre amp.

ND555 is superb too. Yes we did the tests vs NDS and not alot in itā€¦ But it has everything. Latest streaming platform, nice build, 500 finish, nice remote and is alot newer.

555PSDR is better than 300NPX.

What is there not to like about full 500 DR series?

Come on guys! Give it up for full 500DR :muscle:


Itā€™s fairly easy to make a NAC552 sound so-so. Just stack the head unit on top of the power supply, or vice versa, and/or pay little or no attention to dressing/de-stress of the Burndy and SNAIC5.

Thatā€™s assuming, of course, that you remembered to remove all the transit boltsā€¦