NAC 332 v 552 - any direct comparison?

Great post……it is an individual decision as a customer


I know you know this, but it has to be said. Richard is essentially a Naim employee and so is Jason. I don’t care how upstanding someone’s integrity is, their ability to provide for their family and put food on the table trumps all. No matter what the actual truth is, a current product offered for more money is always going to be promoted as the best, by an employee of said company, or they take a chance at sacrificing their own lifestyle.

All due respect to Richard and Jason. Both seem to have integrity.

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I have no reason to doubt Richard’s opinion on matters related to Naim.


Integrity and the love for what they are doing (the people there) is what makes naim so special and unique (like the forum here)
Why should they tell different as it is.
When giv a slight hint how wonderful and close or… the nc300 is, a lot may sell 500 and buy new. More profit. Now - with 500 being told to be the better amps - the profit of 500 won’t go up. Most interested in full 500 will wait.
But that is not naim…
When the manufacturer tells this - it is so.
The rest is preference! and this is a big factor!


Perhaps it’s your dealer being unscrupulous here. I guess it’s easier to shift 300 boxes than 500 boxes given the size of their respective target markets…


Yes i know i have seen inside one many times.
But then pre amp’s do as they have many inputs, that doesn’t mean you use much off it with just one source.
But there’s no getting away from the fact that pots are far worse, and the reason why the statement and others use relay volume control’s these day’s.

That’s why i am surprised that naim feel that the 552 is still better than the new 332 with power supply.
But naim make it, so i guess they know.

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The other point is that it seems the 555PSDR is universal now. Can be used on 332, 333 and 222 and is much better!


Exactly. Most people are buying second hand 500 series amps, not new.
So Naim, if only regarding his profit margin interest, would say that the 300 series are better.
The post above saying that the products making more money will always be promoted isn’t truthful.


If it was then i would be very unhappy with naim, as they serviced it and dr’ed it about a year or so before i sold it all.
It did have to go back as it didn’t work after the service, so you never know do you.
As you can only trust them to do it right.

Also i was very happy with my 500dr and 552dr, it was just that i found i wanted more and could have it.

Than it definitely was ok!
I was a bit afraid when i bought my 552 as I read all threads and your posts - but none came true for me.
First day winner for me -552. 500dr took longer :yum:

Pleased for you drago.i would say if you have a complete naim system up to speakers then it does all work well.
I also say once you then start changing things, you soon upset that, and things become apparent. But sometimes it’s worth it.

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After listening to all iterations of 200 series and 300 series and Statement, I am confident that 500 series is the best bar statement which is out of my league.

The set up at Naim had Focal Scala Utopias and Superlumina speaker cable which will give hige benefit to sound.

Pairing 200 and 300 series kit with £35k speakers will make a huge difference.


Just kidding, but you could have another avatar, like Dunc552. :joy::tumbler_glass:

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Did you listen to Statement Dan?

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Fully agreed - even mixing Olive with oc was not as full 500 - how could it. Speaker wise I really enjoy kudos 606… works very good with naim (imho)

My dealer only advised me of this after I had confirmed the superiority of the 332. I do appear to be the only poster able to compare 552 with 332/ NC300 in an existing system. It took me 1 minute to appreciate how much better the latter was with regard to bass control.

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Yes, I did. They played 2 tracks. Sounded amazing.

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Factory offer. 10% off.

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Guess it does … but… no!
My 7 500 boxes make me feel good :blush:

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Until you need to send them in for service :smile::see_no_evil: