NAC 332 v 552 - any direct comparison?

All fine - same as with my BMW - love him so much, but service costs … oh dear

I service cheaper for the inferior 500 552 non dr? :rofl:

How amazing lol

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The 500 series is imperious. No question. Listening to LP12 on system. It sounds incredible.


Jamiroquai here on nd555


I couldn’t possibly comment.



It’s 25 years on non DR since it runs so cool :+1::smile:

Have you bought Oephi yet? You deserve to hear the hi hats and cymbals :sunglasses:

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Sure you can!

Who is oephi? :rofl:
Not until you wrote a review on it

Sounds like you’re in a good place, and that’s what it’s all about. Enjoy!

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Back to Peter Gabriel IO sounds awesome on LP12.

Having been to Naim factory and seen and listened to everything it has done nothing but reassured me how good my system is.

Full 500 series with LP12 Klimax level is simply superb.

Yes, I could change 2nd non Naim Power Supply on ND555 to Naim.

Yes, I could change speaker cable to Super Lumina.

And again could change speakers.

But it sounds beautiful, incredible, and it all works and hangs together.

This is as good as it gets bar Statement upgrades which are out of my league financially.



That says it all, Dan.

Now put silly comparisons out of your mind and enjoy some music.

By the way it was an absolute pleasure to meet you and your son yesterday. I really enjoyed the day, and thank you for inviting me.


Listenend yesterday to I/O. Have cd, 24bit dl and vinyl. Very good album - 4 horseman… :heart_eyes:

If there is balance in the system - do not touch

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It was great to meet you too! I thought it would be best to have a full house! It could have been just me. But where is the fun in that?


Probably very wise.
As if not be prepared to spend to once again get balance.
I know all too well. A better balance yes, but it has been costly even buying very sensibly.

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Upset your system balance and your bank balance will suffer surely after

I talk from experience but at a much lower level. Added a 272 to some Technics separates not very many years ago and so it began…


The best bit of the day for me was, without getting too carried away, hearing about your better news on the health front, although I realise there is a little way to go yet.:+1:

At the end of the day, that is all that really matters. Hifi is mere fluff in comparison, although I know it gives you great pleasure.


Yep……spot on👍


:heart_eyes: all for Dan!


I am seeing consultant on tuesday 1230pm. Will update you are all then! On Dan’s thread.