NAC 332 v 552 - any direct comparison?

True, that would be expected. But there are a number of people saying otherwise. Even Naims own Stevesky, if I’m not mistaken, tested 222/300/350 and was very impressed. As with everything, I’ll trust my ears. :slightly_smiling_face:


When I auditioned 222/300/350 I didn’t feel the improvement was worth the money. I concluded they needed the 333 & 332 to get the best from them :man_shrugging:


Thanks for that info @Marq. My dealer will give me the whole 300 series next week for a home audition. Cannot wait to lose some money either way :smiley:


Can the 332 drive an external headphone amp? I know it has 1/4" headphone jack, but…

One of the DIN sockets (input 8 I believe) has line-level outputs. You can also turn on and off the DIN, XLR and RCA outputs via the Naim app so I am sure you could connect to a headphone amp.


Yep, here’s the manual page

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Great, thanks. Could see the din sockets, but not if there was an output from one or more.

I don’t think your claim is as absolute as you think. Source, speakers, network, and listening environment still matter. I find my 222/555/250 to be much more musical and enjoyable than the 252 I owned or demoed. Haven’t tried the 350s with the 222/555 but likely will at some point as well as 333/332.


Seems really odd that some think the NC is an improvement on the 500, and this is at odds with Naim themselves who have said that improving on the 500 series was a challenge that would take rather more time and effort to achieve (or words to that effect).


Exactly Stu. Ownership bias and Dealers thinking sales are pretty normal behaviours and can’t be discounted.


If you did a blind listening session it is possible that the sound from the NC could be more to your liking, therefore in these circumstances the NC is better than the 500.

But you would expect in most circumstances that the 500 would be the better product as it is a higher tier from Naim.

It seems odd that you’d put your trust in such a company, and own an enormous amount of their equipment, if you truly believe they’re having a hard time improving their own product 20+ years later. Personally, if I felt that way I’d deem that manufacturer as incompetent and look elsewhere.

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The reality is that if Naim believed that they had produced a superior to 500 range with the 300 range they would have pitched it as the new 500 kit and made a hell of a lot more profit. As Stu wrote Naim are finding it a challenge to produce a superior new 500 range at a competitive price. Blind tests aren’t needed either way. If the new kit sounds better to a person’s ears then it is to them. There are plenty of ex Naim owners out there who now live happily with other makers sources and amps. What is odd to me is when a 552 owner sells it for a 332. If the 552 appealed in the first place, with its character, why would a very “different” sounding 332 be a worthy swap? Having done the dem I firmly believe that the 332 definitely doesn’t match the strengths of a 552


Maybe it’s an Oxford way of thinking :grin:

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Maybe it is, we do a lot of thinking in Oxford, did a lot of drinking too, maybe there’s a connection



Never heard a 552 but if it didn’t sound better than the 332 I heard at a dem I would have been underwhelmed.


Ah, someone who has actually done the comparison! v interesting.



Are you choosing to conveniently ignore the person who owned the 552, replaced it with a 332/300, and states the improvement he gained? He started a thread.

I’d surely trust the guy with extensive ownership of both over the biased 552 owner who walks in to a dealer hoping to not hear a difference before a short 30 minute demo.

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If you have a look, I actually started this thread. Gerry McG’s input is expert and valued, but an unusual system with active speakers and multiple power amps, which is not exactly comparable.


Yes - trust him as well. Also trust all others who found the 552 superior… by product name it is :blush:
500 Series is not yet replaced and in naim hirarchy it is still the top product before statement. Now white illuminated.
300nc is middle range in new series - 500 top (statement excluded) series from outgoing series.
500 should be better - if not naim has done something wrong (in a marketing way)

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