NAC 332 v 552 - any direct comparison?

The word ‘better’ is probably the issue here. Better is very subjective. Perhaps ‘preferable’ would be more meaningful.


Or ‘different’. I think that’s the difficulty with high end Hifi. ‘Better’ is the one that you like best but in reality it’s just ‘different’ to the one that someone else prefers as we all hear things slightly differently.


I used „better“ on purpose as I still think that 500 should give more than 300 :blush:. But! I have not had a comparison!

One persons view versus multiple dealers and users would suggest that being the only soldier on parade marching in time is not always a good thing!

If one person prefers the 332 in their set up then fair enough but anecdotally and from my listening experience at demos that view is the outlier

Having something new of latest spec always feels good and no doubt can influence your views. When I moved from a high end olive system to the OC (uniti) I convinced my self I didn’t miss my 52,135, cds2 and I could live with the uniti - that didn’t last long!

Some seem personally offended that Naim are saying it’s a tough job improving the 552 and it will take time to get it right but I’m ok with that and look forward to the day that a new 552 is available.


I think this is a rather pointless discussion over quality. I havent heared either but I chose to go with the 222.300.250 as I wanted the extra lifetime, holding value, usability, ease of use, simpler PS, the look and ability to be on the NC upgrade at a later stage. All those would trump any minor differences in SQ to me, and I think good reasons why someone would choose the 332 over 552.





Nice, tell us more. Have you down sized?

Seven have become three. A fourth is in planning…and I’ve gone active.



How exciting, certainly an elegant setup. I’ve never heard an active set up - limited options here in New Zealand.

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Thx - nice post :blush:

??? Have photoshopped the picture?

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Oh no … what have you done… :blush:
Ow everyone is waiting on your thoughts… 500 vs 300 …
You are the star !


I’ve had this change in planning since the PMC active modules were announced some months ago. I’ve had the 333, 332/300 Twenty5.23i Active running a few weeks now.

Another NPX300 is in planning.

For me, there have been no downsides.



Active vs passive …
Not an easy comparison
In your rack it looks so much better - no box on the ground.
Hope selling all the 500s went good :+1:

Think it all hat to do with catzilla :rofl:

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@Dan_M After you visited Naim I am wondering what the consensus from the group was about a 300 series system compared to a 500 system?

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Jason Gould from Naim point blank said 500 system is better than 300 system.

So that’s coming from Naim amabassador. He said 30 seconds of listening to it will tell you that.

We didn’t listen to 500 system though.

And replacement isn’t coming anytime soon. Maybe a few years away. That’s why 500 series is now sold with white logo.


Spot on Dan. I was told the same by Jas and then heard it myself. There’s some fanciful dribble written on the forums :grinning:I hope that you had a terrific day


Glad the day went well Dan

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That looks really nice Graeme.
The new kit looks the business indeed.
A good deal better than old Classic.
I trust it sound ace with PMC’s.

I’ve heard the new Classics with Focal loudspeakers which was no joy for me.
I like the active idea, strange Naim ditched this idea, must be Focal which had the last word in that matter.


You wouldn’t expect anything else really coming from naim would you.
I guess seeing folk that have actually sold the 500 kit and now have the new 300, and not missing it really says much more.
Anyway it doesn’t matter one bit really does it.