Nac 62 Nap 140 connection

Hi! Happy holidays! I was planning on sending my 140 to Salisbury after new year for a recap. After looking at pictures on this forum from the back side of my 62 and 140 I was a little worried.

My 62 and 140 is connected with a 5 pin cable between the far right connector on the 62 to the connector on the 140, which also is a 5 pin. There is no blanking plug on the 62 and I have no hicap.

Have my 140 been modified from a 4 to a 5 pin connector? Should I ask Naim to reset it to an original and send me a 4 pin cable and I blanking plug or is it possible that my 62 also is modified?

If they are connected by a DIN5 at each end then it does sound as though they have been modified.

If your dealer sends them to Naim they will try to return the units to standard (if that’s possible). You will need a SNAIC4.

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