NAC52 + Supercap + NAP300DR?

552/552PS just in my system. Cold. Using the DAC in my 272 for now. But I mean, come on. WHAT KIND OF PRODUCT IS THIS? I’m speechless. Emotional as in crying. Empty on words. Wow, just wow. It never ends does it. I love this drug.

Tone :pray:
Musicality :pray:


Great upgrade, glad you like it👍

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Ha ha enjoy :grin:

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When I had the 52, I never felt the need to consider a 252. I just assumed it would be an expensive sideways step.

But the demonstration 552dr did not leave when it came her. Much better (I think I had a single 300 into SL2 speakers at this point, although I might have been active with 2x300dr by then. Have forgotten the order I did things…)


The 552DR is the best upgrade I’ve done by quite a large margin, enjoy!


Sweet. I wonder what you’ll say when you get an NDS or ND555 as source? I find the NDS ridiculously good.

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I’m guessing loads of caps lock words :smile:

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DAVE / HMS (caps lock on) connected to my 552DR, phenomenal sound

Ever compared NDS with NDX2? I’m running against the NDX2 due to being latest platform. I felt locked in with the old but I’ve heard so much great about NDS.

Sorry, never heard the NDX2. It just might give the NDS a run for it’s money with equal power supply.

Don’t sell it. I think it will only appreciate in value. It’s a piece of art and Naim history. I really regret selling mine, even if though it’s been replaced by a new 552DR.

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Perhaps you’re right as the 500DR brings so much more performance out of the 552DR. But I have a 552 DR paired with NAP135s and I don’t think I’ll ever change this setup. It’s so so bleeding good.

I couldn’t agree more. The only thing to mention is the noise floor, which is higher in the older gear. But in exchange you get this flow and engagement to the sound.

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Noise floor in 552 is pretty high.

I was using NAC52 with 2 x NAP135. As I had only recently had the NAP135s serviced, I chose, perhaps unwisely, to change the NAC52 for a NAC552 before changing the NAP135s for NAP500. I found that change to be nothing particularly remarkable. It was only when I swapped to the NAP500 that everything became so much more realistic, with greater presence and authority. Perhaps if I’d changed the power amp first, I might have retained the NAC52 for a while longer. C’est la vie.


Wasn’t the Nap500 developed with the Nac52?


Yup. But…but… but… its not the latest… So its rubbish… :frowning_face:

(My whole system is rubbish… hardly anything current… :astonished:
Surprising it works at all…)

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Fair enough. Although in my setup, I clearly notice the difference between the 52 and 552DR when paired with the NAP 135s. I have no desire to change as it’s stupid good now and i’ve learned my lesson- when a system sounds this good. Leave it alone.


Yes. There is no end.

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My newly bought 552 is a total game changer to me. It’s like from another planet. I was prepared for a lot but not this. I’m in love :black_heart:

Tomorrow NDX2 enters with a Hiline. Yummi!