NAC552 in my system

Another rule is that you’re supposed to do that without anything touching the cables, including Velcro and pipe lagging. :man_police_officer:t6:

It’s already gone. I felt it lost some bass but I’m sure my mind play tricks on me :see_no_evil:

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I’ve used a single rubber band to bring the burndy and SNAIC in proximity near connector end of 552DR and it seems to work OK.

No - your ears are Golden.

It’s known among the cognoscenti as the ‘Velcro-Noise Effect’ or VNE.

It’s not the Velcro effect but the burndy touching snaic or not :blush:

I think the ideal is that the 2 cables are as close as possible without touching anything.

That includes one another and Velcro and all other solid objects (air molecules excluded).


Technically air is a gas so doesn’t count :laughing:

It’s hard enough to dress cables for 7 boxes without worrying about air!

Aah, but was it rarified Naim air.

Air is a gas - but I was referring to air molecules.

They are tough little objects and not at all gaseous. :crazy_face:

I tink they’s the tings dat strike the hammer onto the anvil in ours ears when we listen to music.

(Mainly Nitrogen flavour, which is distinctly solid at the right temperature - see photo below of solid nitrogen on the plains of Sputnik Planitia on Pluto).

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We’re splitting hairs.

Above 77K Nitrogen is considered gaseous as it has boiled.

Of course the atoms are solid.

At the molecular level, hairs are quite large.

There are cat hairs on my burndies.

Perhaps why we’re considering a 552 :laughing:

I don’t see anything in the manual about cat hair, I may have to mail naim support.


No they don’t touch at all…. Apart from touching the Velcro. Lol.

I’ll remove the Velcro a the weekend and see if I can hear any difference.


Same here. In my system, when left to their own devices, the thinner SNAIC hangs way below the Burndy, which can’t be right. But I can’t bring myself to fix that by wrapping one around the other, even just once, so I compromise with a single small elastic band to reduce the gap at the widest point. Maybe I should add a couple more?

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I’m amazed to find out the sound still gets better with these tweaks… Yes it works …
I followed the way @PeterR had suggested with the 4 cable ties. Magic …
Thanks @PeterR and @Richard.Dane !

I’d forgotten this, and to rejuvenate an old forum expression…’BLIMEY!’


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I’ve found that just the one suffices. I put the band in about 6-8 inches down from the connectors at NAC end only and from then on the two cables seem to run very close and parallel. A happy result !

Worth getting it right on the NAC 552 as the results can be astonishing.


Good to read the manual,isn’t it.
Naim always have lots of good info in their manuals.


Quick update… so I’ve had the 552 in my system for about 10 days. And I really like it. As most people say it brings more of everything. And yes I’m re listening to all my favourites and more… the detail it brings and the new things I hear are fantastic.
Not sure I would have paid full price, but think I got a cracking deal on this 2021 unit…

So if you’re reading this and you have a 282 and are wondering whether to go 252 or 552, it’s the latter… :grimacing:


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