NAC62 balance knob spare

Hello everyone,

Would like to seek help from anyone here who’s able help me source for a spare balance knob for the NAC62. Sometime ago, during a move, it must have fell off, and now it is without this knob.

I tried getting help from my local Naim AD but they do not have any such parts and they are unable to source for one :pensive:.

Could someone here please help me? Thank you.

It might be worth contacting the few UK dealers who either service or carry some spares or deal in 2nd hand. They probably don’t have a new one but might have one in the bits & pieces box.

Tom Tom Audio - email:
Class A Audio - email:

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Thanks Mike-B. I’ll make contact with the organizations you have suggested.

Mike-b, so far TomTom has replied they don’t have any whilst no response from the Class A.

Anyone else able to assist me on this missing knob?

Your best bet is to ring around various Naim dealers or just be patient and keep an eye out on the various sales and auction sites. Anything beyond that is likely a breach of forum rules (Sales and wants strictly forbidden.