NAC82 523 phono cards v linn Urika

I would get advice from your dealer. Look at Kore, Urika, Rad 2 and 250. Also maybe a 52 or 252 Supercap with 250. You can start with 82 Supercap 250 as well or 82 HiCap 250.

No rush. Enjoy every stage. Buy everything used is my advice where possible and haggle on price.

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The existing Radikal in your system makes the step to Urika a great deal. I do use a Klimax LP12/Aro/Keel/ Kandid with my 52 and the Urika is excellent especially with Kandid; and significant step up over K cards in my 52.

I would recommend the Aro/Keel/Kandid as another (future) step. And 250 or 135 of course too for an affordable improvement.


That’s the other option is go for an Aro tonearm and better cart.

I chose the Kore instead of Keel at the time. Would be good to investigate Kore vs Keel. And whether to get Urika and Rad 2 done before tonearm and cart change.

With my LP12 changing tonearm, cart and phonostage has been biggest improvement so far on LP12 journey. The previous biggest improvement was getting Akito repaired and upgraded by AO with the Cirkus and Kore done at same point.

If your cart is a year old and tonearm is good perhaps focus on Urika first and whether doing Rad 2 is right time.

So many options and potential sequences.

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Thanks for the input @restock, that really helps. Good to hear that the Urika is indeed better than the phono boards.

Out of interest, anything specific you can say the improvement was?

Not that my setup is lacking in anything as it stands, indeed it’s very good, but just trying to work out best next steps that give a nice uplift. My reasoning on Urika was because I’d like to upgrade cartridge at some point this coming year, given its a wear item. The Hana SL is great, but it wasn’t intended for be an end point. Again, they are all things to do in time, but like to feel rewarded with each upgrade. Some are definitely more noticeable than others.

The Urika is way down in the hierarchy, so didn’t know if I was barking up the wrong tree. Or, it could well be a significant and noticeable step!

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I’m surprised Urika is down in the hierachy. My dealer recommended I get Radikal and Urika when I have a better arm and cart. I now have those done. So Radikal Urika is on my list next. But I’m not ready to spend more money right now.

Hit the nail on the head @Dan_M there are so many ways and compromises to the same goal! It’s interesting that you’ve gone the way you have, as it’s almost anti-heirarchy, but obviously very sonically rewarding. Hmmmm.

I must say, I’d have loved an aro but they’re so dam hard to get hold of… a good one anyway… So I’ve kind of given up on that one. A used Ekos2/SE would probably be a safer option in time. That’s another thing, upgrading sub chassis is a pain as with the ittok, you have to drill it. Wouldn’t have a problem doing that to a kore, but a keel… Hmmmm not so sure. Then it becomes a need to do both at the same time and therefore a bit too spendy!

I’d also wondered if the kore was much better than the majik, as beyond the armboard, it’s essentially the same. Can it really be that much better?

I never did a comparative test, but the Keel for ARO was the single biggest upgrade that I ever made to my LP12 in around 30 years.

Would a new LP12 have a Kore as standard, or is there a more basic level subchassis available?

(I bought a new LP12 recently, but specified having a Keel/A fitted.)

To be honest, I’m only going by the Linn hierarchy, which I believe is bearing, power supply, then sub chassis, arm, cartridge and finally phono stage.

Given I’ve done the Karousel and have an Radikal1/A… it’s the upgrade kit to radikal next. I’d be jumping way down the line with looking at a used Urika… but do feel it makes good use of the radikal power supply and throws in a trampolin too, which I’m wanting anyway.

Could be totally wrong though! :slight_smile:

Wow… OK, so the subchassis was a better improvement than going to a radikal and Karousel? Hmmm there goes the hierarchy theory then! Balls!

Thanks for the insight @anon70766008

Yes, there is the majik sub chassis which is what I have. It is the same fundamental chassis as kore, but has the laminated armboard bolted to it, whereas the kore has a machined from aluminium armboard that is then bonded to the same chassis base.

Not sure how much difference there is between the two, but can’t help thinking it can’t be much given its largely the same. More than happy to be told I’m wrong though, as I’ve never heard the difference.

I’m not sure what merits the “Balls!” remark. A reference to Ed, the former Labour Chancellor, perhaps?

Haha no… not a reference to Ed, just that my heirarchy thinking has now well and truly gone out of the window!

That’s clear now, thanks.

If you can get a demo of 2 decks both exactly same spec apart from kore it should not take more than 30 seconds to know it’s a must have.

I know @Dan_M was not over exited about the Karousel upgrade but once again a demo with 2 identical decks shows just waht it brings to the party.

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I would go for a Naim Prefix or Superline if you like Naim amplifiers, Linn amplification is not nearly as good.

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I had an older original subchassis so the Kore was a big upgrade when it was done to my deck. I am glad I got the Kore done and may never go to Keel. If you are going for Keel then perhaps skip Kore and save for Keel at some point.

The Karousel upgrade may have been affected by my cart possibly being at the end of its life (5 years old) as things sounded a touch off and the Karousel didn’t make the turntable sing when it was done. Now a new cart and tonearm and phonostage have been done it’s difficult to know what has made the improvement. The Karousel is done and won’t be changed out. And I am happy with the turntable now. I have now ticked alot of things off the list with my LP12. Trampolin 2 and T cable also done.

The available upgrades are Keel, Rad 1 or 2, Urika and tonearm and cart further upgraded.

The likely next step is Rad 1. The tonearm Ekos 2 and cart DV XX2 mk2 are now fabulous. The Kore is great. The phonostage seems to be doing a good job. So I may well be finished with Rad 1. And I wouldn’t dismiss a Lingo 4 used either at right price.

Listening to it now it sounds so much better. Time to leave it alone and enjoy it for what it is.

With the work done I am sure it is near Selekt level.

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The thing is you want to leave your tonearm and cart for now (which are very good). And you are uncertain about your subchassis. Therefore logical step is Urika. Then make a decision on Kore or Keel. And when your ready upgrade tonearm and cart to Ekos SE or Aro and a new cart.

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And you may find that an Ekos 2 is good enough. It was their best tonearm when it was around. And of course Naim’s offering of the Aro is considered to be as good or better by some. The Ekos SE is meant to be better still, and I am sure it is, at cost.

When I did my initial upgrades I followed the hierarchy in some ways as I went Lingo 1, then tonearm was repaired and upgraded, Kore and Cirkus fitted. Now I am going around again and have skipped out power supply for now. When I get Radikal done I might get Urika done and sell my new phonostage. Then if I go around again would get Keel done.

You kind of go round and round like a merry-go-round with Linn upgrades. And then they bring out a new upgrade such as Karousel, or Rad 2. Or new tonearms and so on.

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Yeah, must admit… I’d hope my arm (AO modded, black ittok) would be ok for a little while, but it does hinder the choice of chassis until it’s swapped out for an ekos due to the armrest. I’d have to swap it for keel, as it would probably be outclassed by the keel and I’d never want to drill one. The cartridge I’ll swap out on a year or so once it’s had a bit more hours under its belt. It’s decent to be fair. Quite impressed with it, but would be looking for something like a Lyra delos next, possibly next step up beyond.

Not sure how much better the kore is over a majik. Some say the difference is subtle… so not sure if it’s more of a slightly diagonal move. I’d be happy drilling a kore for the ittok though.

One thing I would say, @Dan_M is the radikal really does make a difference!! I had an Armageddon 2 before (which is a pretty good power supply) and the radikal really made a difference. Totally changes it in all honesty. Much clearer and loads more separation etc. Think you’ll be very impressed!!