NAC82 523 phono cards v linn Urika

There’s a Urika for £1k on ebay or best offer right now. So there you go. Probably get it for £950. They come up all the time for that price.

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I have found the baseboard to be better on both.

Cheers for your thinking and input @RedChris that’s really useful info.

I’d imagine that your stageline powered by a hicap is probably better than my current boards in my 82, so if it was a big jump up, then that’s good to know and good enough for me.

The Hana SL I got as a starter MC really when Peter built up my LP12. To be fair, it’s pretty dam good… but it was never my end goal, more to get me back into having an LP12 again. I had an LP12 years ago before kids came along (which had a Lyra Dorian), so will look at getting a much better cartridge in time once this Hana has had maybe another 6-9 months use.

Same goes for the ittok to be honest. It was my minimum arm to get going with. I liked the ittok I had before, so wanted something decent to get going… and the one I have now, Peter sourced and checked, which has also been rewired etc by Audio Origami. I’m guessing it’s good enough for now, but will have to change if/when I go to a keel. I think if I can source a used Kore for a reasonable price, I’ll replace the majik at the same time. Not wedded to the majik by any means… it was just my start point.


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100% agree @anon70766008… A properly nice guy!

Without shadow of a doubt the best customer service and customer experience I’ve had in buying audio stuff over many years. Couldn’t recommend him highly enough!


I would get Urika then look at subchassis, tonearm cart interface and decide if you want to go down Kore or Keel route, Aro or Ekos2/SE.

In my mind I will be going Radikal 1 and Urika. Then leave it a few years. Then go Rad 2 and Keel and possibly Ekos SE and better cart to reach Klimax level.

But to be honest it sounds fantastic as it is.

It may be I improve my streaming system, amplification before these things are done.

Who knows? Life changes everything.

What I do know is I have a fantastic system and the LP12 now sounds alot more like I want it to. So for me a Rad 1 will work well and Urika. Then I will make some money back on current phonostage which will sell for more than Urika 1 and the Trampolin 2. So the Urika won’t cost anything at all. It will make me money once I get Rad 1 done.

I can’t loose!

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Which is fine, but that Cymbiosis quote did not extend beyond Mana.

To be honest. I don’t find the Fraim that good of a stand for the LP12 to begin with.

As for the baseboard, with either the Audiotech or Tiger Paw wall shelves that I use, my preference is Tramp2 + thick shelf, followed by solid baseboard (the aluminum one) + thin shelf. There is no scenario in which I would choose the old particleboard baseboard.

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Which is a really hard deal to beat.

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Yeah, sounds like a pretty decent plan @Dan_M

Kore’s arent roo expensive used I don’t think, so trading the majik in won’t be too bad an outlay. I’d probably do that at the same time to eliminate any doubts around chassis until I decide where to go with arm. I’d probably move to rad 2 before doing the arm, too.

Somewhere in the mix, it sounds like a 250 is also a must pretty soon. This thread has also got me thinking about selling my 2 hicap2’s and getting a supercap, too.

Best tell my wife we’re not going on holiday this coming year!! :joy:


Just say there was a problem with the hifi system and the repair bills were very expensive :wink:

Jesting aside, Kore, Urika, Supercap and 250 will be a massive upgrade all round.

It’s not environmentally friendly to go on holiday anymore! So I hear on media.

You will get decent money back on Majik sub chassis, 180, Hicaps and can sell the MC boards from your 82 as well.

I buy stuff all the time and I think this is costing me alot. But when you sell your stuff on it’s not so bad.

There are more expensive hobbies than this.

Good luck with telling your Mrs. I am sure if you’re upfront she will be okay.


They wrote : Results with some stands, like Mana… ,but as always best to try it oneself.
I have had the Audiotech wall shelf and I much preferred a stand on the floor.
A Trampolin can work better on a wall shelf.
I don´t prefer the old hardboard but the solid base board,that was released in the early nineties.
Some prefer the LP12 without base board on Mana,I don’t.

Some great excuses in there, @Dan_M I’ll give them a go! :joy:

Yeah, I think a few of those beyond Urika and kore this year would be do-able. Think the 250 sounds wise after the Urika and kore to be honest.

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It is the kind of thing that is room and construction dependent. I have an Archidee floor stand too and prefer the wall shelves for the main system.

Even with that floor stand I’d still go for the Tramp2. Timing is more natural with it, IMO. It works nicely with the solid baseboard too.

Which does not imply Fraim. It mentions Mana in particular, and by extension, I would imagine stands like it, the Fraim not being one of those.

Good than that’s the best for you then :+1:

Well I think there are similarities between Mana and Fraim,but it’s okay if you don’t think so.

Great choices. And I reckon you’re onto a winner. Other men gamble, pursue dangerous hich octane hobbies such as paragliding, extreme sports and motor racing. Hifi is tame and less expensive than fishing. And also most people who are into hifi are male so it’s not like you will meet another female either. It’s cheap in comparison and safer than the other options. So your wife I am sure will be very happy in this knowledge! :rofl:


Hahaha I shall use every one of those incredibly valid points, @Dan_M!

If she questions, I’ll just say Dan told me to buy them! :joy:

Probably a new thread (or more search facility use!)… but out of interest, when it comes to it… olive 250, classic 250 or DR 250?

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All are excellent. You have Hicap 2s and an 82. The 250 DR will lower the noise floor and give clearer presentation. 250 olive will match the 82.

It’s whether you want all the same, or mix and match some say all Olive, some say all DR.

I have mix in my system and it still works well.

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I would go for Olive Nap 250 in your system with Nac 82 and Naim SBL,they are voiced to go together.
The 250.2 will sound
dull and 250 DR will sound to lean,when I have tried.


Yeah, I’m not hugely bothered about mixing, visually. After all, the radikal won’t ever look the same, as nice as it is.

Just doesn’t seem to be much love for the 250.2 in particular and didn’t know if this is definitely one to avoid, as the prices of them are so reasonable.

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Thanks @Igel that’s cleared that thought up perfectly. I get it. Suppose like you say, if I’m sticking with the 82 and SBLs, best go olive.

Always been partial to olive since my first entry to naim many moons ago with my nait 3. Visually love them, too.


Would look lovely with an Olive Supercap as well if you can get hold of one. I would advise if you are going to keep all these boxes to get them serviced. Darran at Class A provides an effecient aervice at a reasonable price and is Naim authorised.

Other option is get 2 matching Olive Hicaps. Then you’ll have an all Olive system.

It will sound slightly different from Hicap 2s.

I had an 82 2 Olive HiCaps with CDS2 and XPS and the boxes look the best in my opinion.

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