NAC82 523 phono cards v linn Urika

It was the same with Linn Linto Phono preamp, Linn dealers raved about it,I tested it against my Nac 32.5 with internal boards and the Nac 32.5 was so much more fun to listen to.

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Yeah, I agree… makes a real improvement. Baffling how, but it does!

Good to know the Urika is a good improvement too!

Ouch, that’s not good!

I’m now beginning to build up a bit of a picture of tastes from the responses I’m getting on this. I guess we all hear and like different things and there’s no clear answer. I’m maybe looking for different things in an improvement. I’ve not heard all the variables to know which sound I prefer. I’ve had naim amps for the last 30 years or so, but not heard all the different types. Never heard anything bad though, or anything I wouldn’t like!

It does surprise me that the radikal could be anything other than fantastic to anyone, but hey, if you don’t like it… Who am I to say otherwise. Not all progress is liked if it’s not your bag, so-to-speak.

Similarly with the LP12. If you love the old bearing and maybe a lingo 1, you maybe won’t like the new stuff. But, I’ve had old early 80s bearing, a cirkus bearing and now Karousel… Similarly I’ve had Valhalla, Armageddon and now radikal. I know which I prefer out of them all… I’d definitely not want to go back.


I see that you are beginning to understand that some like the old school sound and think it has more “boogie”. They don’t particularly like the Cirkus, Karousel, Radikal and Urika. Or the more modern black classic boxes.

Their classic LP12 would be a pre Cirkus bearing with Valhalla and using a prefix or original naim phono boards. Maybe an Ekos with an old style cart or maybe an Aro.

Their amplification would be olive or chrome bumper. This is the classic old school Linn LP12 and Naim sound with SBLs, DBLs or Kans. Or maybe Linn Isobariks or Quad ESLs.

This is very much classic vintage hifi that some on here still love.

The modern way is very much to lower the noise floor, more detailed and a clearer presentation which you will find with the modern LP12 and Naim DR and even more so New Classic range.

I have spent alot of time with Naim Olive and Chrome Bumper and my Linn LP12 was quite original. I have moved forwards and have a hybrid system with a mix of CB, Olive and Classic boxes. My streaming is classic black boxes.

This gives a mixed Naim sound which still works well.

So when you get advice on here it will always be preference rather than someone saying what sounds best.

There is no universal of what sounds best. This what makes the forum so interesting with everyone’s different preferences and fantastic systems.

Personally, I think some of Naim’s older products such as the CDS2 and 135s, 82 and 52 are absolute belters.

The old stuff is built like a tank as well and seems to wear better with age. And it is now being shown that it is holding it’s value extremely well next to the Classic black boxes which are plummeting in value.


Yep, I’m getting it now I think @Dan_M

It’s all brilliant information and learning a fair bit from this being my first post/thread. Really value everyone’s take on this, but like anything, it comes down to tastes and people are individuals.

Many many ways to skin a cat and with so many variables in the mix, I realise it’s hard to say X is better than Y categorically.

Like you, I have a mixed system. No CB, but have a mix of olive and classic with the hicaps. May not be the purest way, but I’m happy enough with it for now. Only thing that limits me making it better is the money to throw at it.

I’m certainly enjoying the journey. It’s improving it as I go and as long as I hear a clear benefit to me, it’s worth it. I don’t have an end game system in my mind. There’s stuff I’ve always lusted after like the aro, but realise that will probably never be.

I do love the look of olive stuff… and like how it sounds too. Never in doubt, but reckon I’m maybe discovering that I like the way things are moving and things getting cleaner and with a lower noise floor and more detailed etc. Self discovery as it were!

Definitely keeping the 82 for now. I would like to try a supercap on it to see if it’s worth the swap from 2 hicaps. I’m less in a rush on this though, as I reckon 2 hicaps on the 82 isn’t too shabby. The 180 is definitely getting swapped though. I’ve decided on this for definite now. I didn’t even want one last week, now I’m all in. In fact, I’m swapping tomorrow! :slight_smile:

Think it’s kore next, then Urika… Probably at the same time to save extra trips to Leicester!

Must say, this forum is superb!! I fully agree there’s so much to learn from everyone’s systems and experiences. Some of the systems you guys and girls have are stunning! Appreciate the warm welcome for my first post being a lurker for so long! :slight_smile:


I reckon go for the 250DR then. It sounds like what you want to do. And with what you’re doing with the LP12 it makes sense as you’re going for a cleaner presentation. If you get a Supercap you have 3 options: Olive, Supercap 2 or Supercap DR. This is why I asked earlier on what you were thinking later down the line with possibility of a 252.

It is worth thinking about an end game system to minimise the steps to it. I think if you like the clearer presentation then the DR route will work well.

And the 82 with 2 HiCap 2s is an excellent pre. I had my 82 for 5 years or so and only changed it out for a 52. I used it for quite some time with a Supercap 2.

I hope my logic makes sense. I am excited for you and hope you enjoy the 250DR!


Hahaha what makes you think it’s a 250DR @Dan_M? Or is that subliminal suggestion?! Haha :grinning:

Yes, I think you’re right though… I’m maybe realising that the clean, separated detailed sound is maybe my thing. Probably why I’m liking the radikal and Karousel.

In fact, I got a collaro mat for Christmas (the black one) and you know what, that makes a heck of a difference. I’ve been gobsmacked how much improvement a mat has made. That is also a cleaner presentation. Not bright, or making it lighter in the bass… But really noticeable. If you haven’t tried one on your LP12 @Dan_M you ought to give one a punt for the minimal cost!


The most important thing when having two Hicaps(or Supercaps) on the Nac 82 is that they are of the same vintage and serviced around the same time,as one i driving the left channel and the other the right channel.

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Your leaning towards a 250DR and it makes sense with your tastes. It’s my prediction :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Yeah, they are @igel that’s one thing I did pick up on previous research. They’re pretty close to each other serial number-wise. They are needing a service soon though, so will do these together. The 82 probably needs one too in fairness. Still sounds great though!

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Haha well, we shall see! :wink: I’ll post a photo tomorrow!

I just hope that it’s the right decision and the improvement is definitely a good step up… Or I’ve got you guys to blame! Haha I never even needed a new power amp last week! :joy:


Never underestimate the benefits of a good service. Your boxes will sound factory fresh!

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Welcome to the forum. You at the right place if you want encouragement for upgrades. :joy:

It’s a very enjoyable hobby. Just remember to enjoy the music which is most important thing.


Haha why thank you kind Sir!

Yeah, tell me about it… a year of baked beans on toast if I hang around here too long! :joy:

Hopefully have a better system in the end though. I’m still definitely enjoying the music first and foremost. Listening to my old records again is nice, but buying plenty more along the way.

Properly gone bonkers in the time gone by since I last had an LP12 and system (I sold everything about 15 years ago when we had our son, but not my records). I used to pick up albums for around £4-5. Crikey they’ve gone up!!

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Some are £45 new, and alot around £30. Crazy times. I buy a fair few used. And then if you buy alot used looking at record cleaning machine! And so the story continues and diet of beans on toast :wink:


Thought that was a very thoughtful, reflective post.
About right too. So, couldn’t agree more.
Eloquently said.

Best wishes


I know!! To be fair, I try and buy used if I can. More because I’m looking for originals as opposed to digital masters. Sound better!

I’m more into older stuff anyway in fairness. I only buy the occasional new album. Some nice recordings, but some aren’t.

Yep, the cost of cleaning machines is crazy too. Yep, best get those tins of basics beans stocked up! :grinning:

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One more version - my (very rare) Olive Supercap DR sounds brilliant with my 52 and I do prefer it quite a bit to my regular (also recently serviced) Olive Supercap.

Although on my 82 I think the regular Olive SC may just have a bit more verve; in contrast on the 52 the Olive SC DR added resolution, lower noise and wonderful flow, dynamics and realism.

Frankly I would stay within Olive for optics reasons and a consistent design!


I believe @Mike_S had an olive Supercap DR with his 252. Yours is 2nd one I have heard about.


Yes, absolutely, we all hear things differently although I’m sure some folks think they hear things the ‘right’ way.

That’s the major drawback of forums to my mind. And this isn’t made clear to the newcomer and we can’t all be explaining it in every new post.

After a while, you might find someone who’s experiences and opinions broadly aligns with your own and that way you can give their impressions more weight but unfortunately the only way to be sure is to compare yourself.

But the main thing is that you’re already aware of this. It’s also sensible to only ever make one change at a time - that way, if you’re unhappy, then you know exactly what the problem is.

On the PSU front, I own a serviced Valhalla and serviced Lingo 2 deck so that explains where I’m at. I tried the Geddon but it didn’t do much for me.