Naim 272 w/tidal problem

But then you must have a computer or laptop involved, right? Doesn’t work with a tablet or Android mobile I suspect?:thinking:

Thanks for suggesting JPlay. However, I installed that on my iPad and…
Error sending action to renderer

I am at a loss as the app sees the network, sees my ND5SX, sees my Core but cannot seem to talk to the ND5. If I choose the iPad as an audio device, it works fine, insofar as it plays Tiday and music from the Core.

Any thoughts, anyone?

I ditched Tidal for Qobuz a few years back when they changed their login/oauth and it buggered up connection with the 272. I had way fewer, none really, problems with connecting to Qobuz, the SQ was better, and their sublime sub has allowed me to grow significantly my local library. Win win.

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Thanks . That was my thought. I tried all permutations of settings without any joy. It feels like the ND5 just doesn’t want to talk to JPlay.

Ah good. I’ve just heard from Naim via the Beta group that it should now be fixed. They have been in close contact with Tidal, trying to get to the bottom of it.

There’s also an update of the Naim app in Appstore. Not knowing if that is involved in this bug or not.

Naim/Tidal all working fine now. Updated the iPad Naim App and it seems to be OK. No noticeable issues.

Working well in Wellington NZ. Only 2 seconds before selected track plays and no initial stuttering. In retrospect the connection issues have gradually worsened over last last few months. Anyway from 10seconds down to 2 seconds for track selection is fantastic.

Same thing here, it was resolved quickly :+1:

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