Naim app displays wrong icon

My Devices in the Naim App shows a blacked out uniti icon instead of the correct icon for NSS 333. However, the icons for Core and Atom display correctly. Stopping and restarting the app makes no difference.

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First world problem?


If one were to remove “first world” problems from our lives then this forum wouldn’t exist.

At the end of the day it’s the small irritants which pile up not the big ones.

Had our Muso QB do similar recently. Only a deletion/reinstallation of the app allied to a hard router reboot fixed it. Neither should have been needed.


Agree it’s not critical but annoying when a system this expensive has niggling issues.


I suggest tell Naim support so they can pass on to the developers who are working on the app currently. Don’t forget to say which version of the app and what phone/tablet you are running it on, with what firmware.

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Thanks for your suggestion David. I have emailed Naim Support.

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Naim support have confirmed it’s a known bug in the app. Their software and app team are aware of it and are actively working on a resolution.

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