Naim app on ipad

Ah, we obviously have different approaches when it comes to listening to music. I choose an album from my collection, press play and listen to it. I’ve never used a playlist in my life, and don’t subscribe to any of the streaming services. That’s probably why I’m happy with the App!

No, it’s not, Timmo.

I also :heart: the Naim app and I get all my music by streaming from Tidal or Qobuz.

I’ve created about 15 playlists on Tidal of things like great percussion based tracks and great piano trios etc as places to gather my favourite tracks so I don’t forget them.

You know the phrase ‘range anxiety’, I generally get a similar impression when hearing about peoples gripes about the Naim app…and U-Serve for that matter.

I think this is a relatively new phenomenon towards tech, mostly home tech stuff, where people spend way too much time pondering on ‘tech stuff’, then everyone becomes an ergonomics expert.

What people don’t seem to realise is these thing are designed for the masses not ‘individuals’. It will never be perfect for you.

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Big difference between ‘perfect’ and running properly imho.
I don’t need to be a tech expert for usabilty and UX but if basic and stable performance of the current naim app is missing and causing permanent frustration (at such a premium price level) then naim is doing far below expectation levels…

The naim app is just below mediocrity and not even close to the expected naim quality level!
And naim’s app feature release and improvement policy is at all confusing…

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My 2p

Yes the app could be way more user-friendly (eg automatic playlists on alphabetical, chronological, most played, genre) but that will be costly to develop and many folk are using alternative platforms anyway.

But it will need to interface perfectly with the hardware as, in my case, I have no other way to access the Uniti Core hooked up straight to the DAC.

Herein lies the rub. I too have blamed the app but suspected for a while that it may be the wifi that is troublesome and I think today, spurred on by talk here about better routers, I may have resolved it. I have FTTC but I do not need an ADSL filter to the router. However, the engineer forgot to remove the microfilter at the home phone when I got the new type BT socket. I did so and now the app finds the Core quickly and stays connected yay! Time for many drinks, if it wasn’t January still :crying_cat_face:
Thanks all for rambling on, it finally got me investigating further.

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