Naim App

I am fed up to the back teeth with the Naim app. A few months back it gave me completely different album pic to the one I was playing. Some downloads just wouldn’t play (would via my Melco app). It constantly looses touch with my music server (Melco N100). The other day I switched it on and all I had was one radio station visible, so I reset the app which got every thing back but now I only have the option of dark and light views. I can’t see where I can set the style for the app and it still looses connection with my server regularly, like one minute it’s there and the next it isn’t. How can Naim justify this useless app and supply it with streamers costing thousands of pounds? Why won’t Naim put some development resource into making an app that works properly? If I ever upgrade my streamer I will be looking seriously at what else is out there ( unless of course I find out that the competition’s apps are all useless as well!).

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Are you looking for help or just venting?

A bit of both, I think.

Yes a bit of both! Would be nice to get my favourite app,style back but this app,is a constant frustration!

You probably need to say more about your setup to get help. I don’t see anything in your profile for your system, although you do say you have a Melco.

What device are you using to run the Naim app (Android, iPhone, iPad) and what does your network look like?

I run Emby as a UPnP server on my NAS and the Naim app finds it reliably using either my iPad or Google Pixel 7 phone.

I am using an I pad. My,internet is wired. Comes in to an English Electric switch then to the Melco N100 and then to the XS2 streamer.

It’s not the app, it will only show you what the UPnP serves up.
You need to look at whatever is on the Melco, UPnP function eand metadata integrity.

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I feel you pain Fenderman. Some control point apps can be a real pain. I have no experience of using the Naim app as I do not own a Naim Audio streamer. I have travelled the computer audio path. I am now retired and while I am able to live comfortably on my pensions, more expensive additions or upgrades to my system are no longer possible. My streaming setup comprises two Intel mini PCs, one for control and the other for audio processing. I use the JPLAY Femto streamer software with a few other pieces of computer optimisation software. Until six months ago, I used BubbleUPnP as my control point app. It worked very reliably. I changed to the JPLAY iOS app as I had read positive reviews that it sounded very good. Control point apps do make a difference to the sound quality. The JPLAY iOS sounded good, although I could not make it work correctly in my setup. Cover art was missing, albums were missing from my library and the setup would often play an album other than the one selected, although the screen display on my iPad showed the selected album. I don’t want to dwell on the negative, suffice it to say that the support that I received from the owner of JPLAY was not helpful and did not enable me to resolved the problems. I do not have high level computer skills but had an idea regarding the configuration of my home network. Settings were changed and my setup is now working fairly well. The display of cover art is not fully correct, although the owner of the company attributes this to a bug in the JPLAY Femto software. It took me six months to get this far and the experience completely spoiled my enjoyment of listening to music. It is only now that I am enjoying my setup again. Perhaps it might be worth you contacting your dealer or the Naim Audio factory to discuss your problems with them. I have been a Naim Audio user since 1982 and have always found their customer support to be outstanding.

The control point app is an integral part of a streaming system and when it is not working correctly, it can be a really frustrating experience. You might want read this article that appeared in a hi-fi magazine this month:

Richard … I hope it’s OK to include this single page image in my post. If not, I should be grateful if you would amend my post accordingly. Thank you.

The last update with Focal was OTT in my view but at least has not affected functionality negatively. While not perfect, in my experience (with a lot of others), the Naim app is one of the best around for stability, speed and even functionality - of course, relatively speaking. I’ve been very happy with it from day one and with many of the streamers.

If you are using Melco as a server, I would look at that and make sure this is not your issue as their interface in my experience (admittedly from 4-5 years back when I’ve last used their servers) has been very unreliable and frustrating (from user point of view). It just behaves like a computer (which it is) and not like hifi (which they claim). I got tired with several of their models and updates never helped, using them as streamers or servers and with several apps.

Thanks for all your replies. So it looks the Naim app is one of the better ones! The Melco app has improved but I think the problem with the Melco is that it is not really a streamer, just has the ability to connect to Qobuz and tidal and v tuner , a hard drive with extra abilities if that makes sense! I do like it though. Anyway, went into the Naim app tonight and not only hand gone to black background but the style options have reappeared in the menu! So all is well again.

Glad you have it sorted

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