Naim cables - £7255 - Shock!

Strangely there are no speaker jumpers in SL range.

Yes there are, with bananas or spades.

Thank you for the information!! Really never saw them at my retailer here in Italy.

I know someone who got them for his B&W 802D3s (at least I think that’s what they are called)

Ok.I would like to try the jumpers on my Fact12 because I don’t like the metallic plate usually provided with the speakers.As soon as the current situation allows I will ask my dealer. Thanks for your reply.

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Probably because they are horrendously expensive for a few centimetres of wire and termination. You need a demo?

Yes. I don’t want to spend a lot of money on this kind of stuff. I really like my speakers. It’ s only to check if the sq will “improve” with jumpers.

I would ask PMC for advice on how to rewire the speakers internally. A set of SL jumpers costs £1,000 and you’d be far better spending that sort of money on improving your sources.


You are absolutely right!!

Talking to my sparky friend today, he who installed my radial HiFi spur about cables, when I mentioned £7K plus he thought I was joking at first, then commented “utter madness” only for those with more money than sense…+1 to that…



I guess it all depends on what kind of money you have. Utter madness is only true when one spends more than one can. Madness in this case is related to disposable income/wealth and moral. Both which are quite different in many regards in various groups of people and ends of the world. To me that amount would be complete and utter madness to spend and to some it´s barely noticeable in the balance. All in all it´s not universally utter madness.


What’s greater “utter madness” — wires for 7K or a poncey car? :crazy_face:

[For the record, I have no axe to grind — considering my disposable income, 7K for wires would certainly present a clear case of “utter madness”… :wink:]

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Both are IMHO, but it’s a crazy world we’re living in.


A lot of this depends on the context of the system
Us with active systems will naturally have more cables
My cables if bought new would be just north of £40K, but these have been bought over a period of time and ex dem / S/ H


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I have changed from 282/250dr with standard cables and naca5 to 552/500dr and full sl and have played while doing it. I am far from as knowledgable as most on here but changing each bit did improve sq but only when all plugged together it really did seem the sum is more than the parts. I am in the camp that Naim design these things to go together and looking at each bit in isolation will give varying results. Please don’t shoot me down !


Shoot you down? On the contrary, I wholeheartedly agree. The DR amplification and SL cabling is a perfect match. Gloriously musical and with a totally silent background. It’s expensive but the result is worth it. The DR and SL were literally designed to work together as part of the Statement project, so perhaps it’s no surprise.


That sounds quite likely, but each bit should at the very least not cause a loss in some areas. The fact that SL DIN to DIN lost instrumental textural detail made it a disappointing non-starter for me.

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I went from the supplied Hi-Line to the SL between the CD555 and 552DR. Initially I wasn’t convince it was an upgrde at all until I paid some interest to cable dressing as well as spending time on removing some of the strain from the rear of the SL where it exits the CD555. After all this was done, the improvements were much clearer. Adding SL speaker cables to replace NACA 5 has been another step forward. The only cable I have left to possibly do are the DIN XLR leads on the 500 but I’ve heard that these have less effect than the ICs and speaker cables.

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Hi Rack - how did you go about doing this?




This is my temporary bodge to keep the SL unstressed :slight_smile:

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