Naim CD hierarchy

Hi Dan

I agree with you CDS2/ XPS is seriously good!

Beats our NDAC/555PS/HDX not by much but beats it

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The ‘go figure’ (with smiley) asks the question ‘if Classical music CD’s sound generally great, why don’t popular music CD’s ?’


CDS3 with 555 PS sounded wonderful in my active Nap 250-2, Nac 52, NBL system . Comparable to many turntables and high end streamers unfortunately the laser mech is gone and cannot be repaired by Naim. Still searching for something comparable.

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Are you certain that Naim can service and provide replacement lasers for a CD555 - had this been confirmed by Naim Salisbury or hearsay from dealers/anecdotal stories please?

I’m sure the best advice would be for you to email Naim directly and ask them, rather than relying on secondhand and possibly out-of-date information on a forum! Horse’s mouth and all that.



I believe they confirmed CD555 and CD5Si were the players only to ongoing support.

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