Naim cd5si Skip reading problem

Good evening . I have a naim cd5si cd player purchased in February 2021 and it is already starting to skip playback or sometimes stop when listening to a cd. I am particularly annoyed to see this problem after three years… what do you recommend before contacting Naim after-sales service? Frankly, I’m a little disappointed to see these kinds of problems so quickly on a machine like this. I can’t imagine the cost of the intervention to change the optical unit. 3 years …

Sorry to hear this. Unfortunately it is possible with CD mechanisms - some die young, some live a reasonable life (5-7 years) and others just seem to go on and on, although all will eventually succumb one way or another. Short of the initial weeding out of the mechs that either die while in store or during the initial testing or soak testing, it’s just not possible to tell the lifespan of any particular mech.

Your best bet here is to get in touch as quickly as you can with your Naim retailer and let them know. If you are in the UK then hopefully you registered for the extended warranty. If not in the UK then check with your dealer or distributor as to what the terms of their warranty with you might be. Fingers crossed it may still be warranted by the distributor.


Sorry to read of the problem. I’m confident that your Naim dealer will be able to help.


I had this problem with mine a while ago.
I know it’s advised against, but a tiny amount of ipl on a cotton bud across the laser sorted the problem.
Don’t try if under warranty though.

I remember a post on here a while ago with a similar thing I said make sure the laser is dust free and keep your discs clean.
Make sure the puck is sitting properly.
He said What’s that? :scream: :joy:

If you are in the UK and bought it new (and you registered the product) then I assume this would be covered by the 5 year warranty. If not then cleaning the lens with something appropriate is worth a try first before sending it for repair.

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Thank you for your answers. I don’t have an extended warranty.
I am in France.
How much do you think it costs to change an optical unit on this drive?

I think that’s something only the distributor would be able to answer.

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I have a cd5si who had some shuffle stops, I passed a very fine brush on the lens and blown on the block, since nothing… maybe a coincidence!
Three years is nothing, I have a bluray player that is 15 years old it still works as on the first day… Naim should take 100% repair!

Good morning . I agree with you, 3 years is nothing and in the meantime I have had other less recognized brands with which I have never had any problems. I don’t think Naim will make a commercial move.

what does ’ I don’t think Naim will make a commercial move.’ mean in English?

Hello, a commercial gesture is that since the reader is only two and a half years old Naim could perhaps take care of part of the repair

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Hello, I had a response from Naim after-sales service for the repair of the CD5si, with the shipping costs it costs 400€…
For the moment despite the fact that it is only 3 years old, no partial support from Naim or Focal
It’s a shame

What will you do next?

IMO - YMMV - this reflects poorly on Naim.

Commercial Reality…?

Have to agree, the player is 3 years old.
Id be very frustrated.

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If a unit is out of warranty then it’s up to the distributor as to whether they will make a charge for any repair. Dealers can often leverage some good-will with the distributor, but obviously every territory and every case is different.

I assume this response was from the distributor rather than Naim themselves?

Yes, it comes from Focal France

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Given the cost of repair, I’d definitely try a new puck first, along with a gentle clean of the laser lens.

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I will contact Naim directly to request a participation…