The serial number is 2358, though I don’t know what year it is. I would need to go on and check the serial number history.
It goes rather well with my 32.5 and HiCap!
The HiCap is due a service though.
The serial number is 2358, though I don’t know what year it is. I would need to go on and check the serial number history.
It goes rather well with my 32.5 and HiCap!
The HiCap is due a service though.
I’ve been looking for another 160 to go active with the SBLs, but I’ve got more chance of finding rocking horse poo,
So it’s looks like I’m having to get rid of the naxo and buy a sub,
There does seem to be a fairly common preference from other users for the 160. I haven’t heard a 250 so I can’t pass judgement on it.
I am fairly sure I saw one ‘in the bay’ recently!
How do the old Exposure amps sound?
It was a bolt down,
Sell It to me of you want🙂
Some phono boards have just popped up on an auction site, pop straight into that 62 of yours
This Is now fitted with N spec phono cards, he’ s got MC carts as well
Some more interesting experiments with my 32.5/HC/CB250
Not sure if issues of my unservice 32.5, with A5 speaker cables the set definitely sounds ‘too fast’, rushy. even my friend who’s a musician notice it’s of a wrong rhythm
with K20 cables the system back to a right rhythm, sounds noticeably warmer and mellow, bass and drums not as addictive as A5 but the mid is nice, (may not of everyone’s taste), not sure the sonic difference with A4? It’s definitely sounds coherent along with a gray Snaic 5;
A trick learnt from other forum: connect the 32.5 and HiCap with Snaic 4 (required a 32.5 link plug), the system was then sounded like my friend’s Snaps+BD250 – lower and sweeter, fit nicely with 70s and 80s music (many thanks to a forum member sold me a rare Snaic 4!)
It seems with gears more close to 90s it sounds faster and leaner
With gears close to late 70s/early 80s it’s definitely slower and warmer
If anyone loves bolt down gears it maybe a good trick!
Seem need some servicing tho
What speakers you running?
I use k20 not tried A5
Looks like it, I’ve got E boards,
I don’t need them,
about £50 to service,
Nice set if you can get them,
Could be a bargain
Kan MK1 (Hiquphon unit), it’s very sensitive to any changes out of the early 80s Naim spec. I think it was also tightly designed to be used within Linn/Naim system. Some say it’s heavily flawed maybe for this reason.
I had a 250CB in my system and it was absolutely wonderful. Ran it with 82 and 2 x Olive HiCaps.
Before that I had Nait5Si and the difference was mesmerising and brought me into what a full preamp poweramp system could do.
250CB was serviced in 2014 if I recall and bought it in 2018.
It stayed in system a short while until I got 2 x 135s CB which were better still.
Moved on since then but the 250CB is formidable.
Always wondered about the aura surrounding the 160, how it would compare sonically vs 140/250.
I thought A4 worked better than A5 with CB gear but what surprised me was how different it still sounded to K20 considering their similarities. Maybe it was also the different connectors. Used Naim plugs on the A4. But anyway, A4 is broadly similar to A5 in character.
Have you tried black snaics?
I now use them, they don’t lock, but sit in there quite happily
Not locking the connections is the way to go apparently,