Naim Core not reading Synology sub-folders on Unifi Network

I have a complete Unifi network, UDM Pro, Unifi switches and Unifi APs. I store my music on a Synology DS1621+ and am using port aggregation (4 ports). My Core can see the main music folders on the Synology when configured as Music Shares. However, it does not read any of the sub-folders and related music. As a result, the music share is empty. The Core works fine on other networks, so I have concluded that it is an issue at the UDM or perhaps the switch. Anyone have any guidance working with Unifi networks, synology and Naim?

I wouldn’t have thought it will be the UDM or switch…More likely a setting on the Synology perhaps or things not quite set up right on the Core via the App for the share…

I haven’t yet got around to properly setting up one of my Synologys for the Core’s use (as I’ve been occupied with another issue with my Core), but I’ve just done a quick setup – buried a folder containing music files within a folder at the root level of a shared folder…Pointed the Core at the particular share and sure enough within a few seconds the artist and music appeared within my Core’s library – I know, as the particular artist wasn’t in my current library beforehand…So all seems to work pretty smoothly.
I have a full UniFi stack at home incl UXG Pro, 2x USW48-Pro, various APs etc etc…and I install UniFi for clients.

When you say your Core ‘works fine on other networks’, I presume you also moved your Synology to the other network and all worked as it should…? I know it’s stating the obvious, but I presume your music files in the folders are compatible with the Core, though I don’t think there is much that isn’t…I’m just trying to think if there could be something funky with the files that the Core is just not reading them…My gut feeling is it’s not network related (as you can see and set up a Music share), it’s more likely to be a setting on the NAS or something with the actual music files…

I’m sure you’ve tried, but have you put the Core into Hibernate mode or done a power restart…? I’ve found the Core doesn’t see any new network shares unless I flick it into Hibernate and back on to the network, it’s like it has a fresh look-see…

I would double check your user and folder permissions on the Synology, particularly for the actual share you are using for your Core…There is actually a setting to hide subfolders to users without permissions (as pic below), I guess make sure that is off or that any of your subfolders don’t have individual permissions set on them that would potentially exclude them…

See how you go with the above…but I’m not quite sure after that, should be quite straight forward…
Oh, and Welcome to the Forum :grinning:


Thanks for the reply. I took the Synoiogy and Core to my music shop, reinstalled the Synology operating system and it all worked properly. Although, we used the Core at the shop to access the Synology. I subsequently took the Core back and it read and played files in the sub-folders. I also have a Unitiserve that saw the folders and files for a time and then subsequently lost access. It seems like the network connection between the Synology and Core is being dropped or blocked for some reason. I am able to see and play all files using VLC on my Mac on the network and iPad. So, I do not think the Synology is blocking access. Also, everything was working fine until I installed the UDM Pro and put my modem into Bridge Mode. At first, I thought I had a bad switch at the Core and replaced but that did not have any impact. Frustrating, to say the least.

Make sure you haven’t accidentally created 2 dhcp servers that are clashing with each other.

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