I have just seen a pair of Naim Credos with Naim cable (don’t know which) for sale locally.
I cannot put these near a wall, they will be about 2 feet from a four feet high “wall” of furniture. Behind this is a window. The setup is in my 10’6" x 10’ library with books on the other three walls.
I am currently listening to Spendor BC1s connected to Nap150 and NAC112x with Flatcap, source is CD5i (not italic). Cables are Ixos 606 Pakora.
Would I see any benefit from the Credos? What do I need to look out for with these speakers?
I guess you need to check the integrity of the boxes and the drivers. Also that they fit together nice and level with the spacers intact. Check the adjustable feet too. The cable will be NACA5 or 4. The 5 would be more likely as contemporary with the speaker.
Hard to say how they will differ from your Spendors as I dont know them, and it is ages since I had Credos. They were the first Naim speaker I owned. I think they are a bit less critical of placement than SBL etc, although wall proximity is definitely better. As I remember they don’t image especially well (not really a Naim speaker characteristic) but they are pretty good all rounders. A 150 will drive them fine. I’d prefer a pair of SBLs any day, but they really do need wall placement.
I guess it may be a case of trying them, and selling on if they don’t suit.
Hi Bruce,
Thanks for the help. I’m not sure I will be able to hear them first so I may pass. However they are £150 which seemed low for Naim - even if it is old. They are presumably from the late 1970s? Maybe worth a punt?
Nowhere near that old. 1996-2002. If you have the s/n you can get an exact year from Naim. They do seem a bit cheap but aren’t the most highly regarded or valued s/h. Decent but not spectacular would be my rather brief review, they haven’t reached the classic status of the DBL/SBL/SL2 etc
If you do investigate these further, check that they have the “pips”. 3 little plastic do-dads that the woofer box sits on when placed on the floor standing cabinet. 6 required in total.
I had Intros and Credos, back in the day, and I remember them being pretty transparent and flexible about placement. I’ve not listened to Spendor speakers and based on reputation alone, Credos will likely present very differently. Definely listen first.