Naim debuts free HD Radio upgrade

Just seen an article on AV FORUMS regarding Naim offer HD radio with some stations up to CD quality.

There has been additional stations added to Naim choice but at normal bit rate nothing at CD quality

This was announced by Clare this morning:

Mother Earth Radio have streem FLAC24/96, 2500kbps, wow!
Good news for Atom owners…

Listening to RP Mellow Mix on my NDX2/XPSDR
Wonderful sound and great choice of music

Where can I find the mother earth station on my app, looked in german stations, can’t use ‘search’ the whole of internet radio stations (or is it not shown on my app as I’m 1st gen NDX)??
Any assistance most welcomed :slight_smile:

Naim classical HD, wow, SQ is amazing, the audience seems to be in front of me!


It’s Hi-Res only, so you won’t get it on a 1st gen. streamer.

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Yes, after I completed a power cycle the HiDef folder was available. Sounds awesome.

If you are using roon with your 1st gen. streamer, then you can play all of this HD radio streams via roon.


Had to reboot the ipad and there it was…Wooow
HD radio ! Impressive.

Tnx Naim!

I love the new HD radio from Naim. The sound is excellent. I wonder if it would be possible to indicate the names of the artists we listen to. Naim Jazz and Naim classic
thank you

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Thanks, somehow I missed the live radio in Roon until now. But is there a way to focus only on HD stations? All I find are mp3/aac streams, often with very low bitrate


No, there is no way to focus only on HD stations.

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Thanks, this is sad, I can’t seem to find any in the haystack, have to look in the Naim app

I just went through the HD streams for the first time and i have to say it’s really cool, some great additions. The Naim Classical and Jazz channels are particularly nice.

All the Radio Paradise stations are very good, particularly the Mellow Mix station

Try this: in roon go to live radio and search there „flac“. You will find about 30 radio stations.

Can this NAIM HD channel be accessed over the internet on the HDX?

No, unfortunately it’s only the current streamers that can handle lossless iRadio streams.

Unless you use a Snorore UPNP Bridge to access them via Roon.
