Naim & ecology?

Yes, but forum rules are clear - no politics here please, otherwise the thread is gone. Thanks.

I would also ask anyone who posts graphs or charts for whatever reason to please provide full source accreditation and references. Otherwise they could be made up by anyone to fit whatever agenda.


It is an admirable sentiment. But where does one draw the line - and for what specific reason? Do you need a Nova? Do you need a nice house? Do you need a Muso QB? Do you need your expensive watches? Do you need your nice holidays abroad? Do you need your NHS treatment? How many of these things would you give up? How much difference would it make to the world compared to how much difference it would make to you and yours?

It is easy to make these blanket type statements but in the end they are pretty meaningless - if well intentioned. Itā€™s actions that count - not words.


I now turn off my 300dr when not listening as it seems to be a hungry beast by my calculations if left switched on all the time. I recall that I calculated it at Ā£10/ month when the electricity prices were at peak. The rest of the kit uses little. I have noticed a reduction in my electricity costs by doing thisā€¦


Iā€™m not going to justify what I do or donā€™t do here, but Iā€™m pretty high on the environmentally conscious scale, but without wearing a hair shirt or sitting on a spike. As you say, itā€™s actions that count, and cutting power use is one thing we can all practically do.


Nor would I expect you to. My questions were rhetorical. But your post implies expectations or even judgements of others and their actions. Who are you to decide how many cars someone needs or how big a hi-fi they should own? Or even if they should be prepared to switch off the hi-fi when not in use?

If you sold everything you own, gave the money to charity and went off to live in a commune then your outlook would indeed carry more weight. I am bound to say that your replies here smack of a certain ā€˜holier than thoughā€™ attitude. Before passing judgement on what others should require perhaps look closer to home.


Iā€™m not going to be drawn into another of your argumentative posts. They never end well and usually result in a thread being deleted, which would be unfortunate in this case as the thread is potentially useful.


Naim Forumā€™s demographic is predominantly older, male and comparatively richā€¦(I include myself)ā€¦

And weā€™re all pretty smug about it, letā€™s be honest.

Can we meaningfully affect climate changeā€¦dunno, but we can at least try.

Just sayinā€™. Iā€™m no better, realistically.


Generally I am delighted with my savings which will approach 400kw a yearā€¦and with my future tweaks I may be able to get arround 600kw savedā€¦ As for the hifi in winterā€¦ it produces some gentle heat which reduces the load on the heatpump a littleā€¦so the power used by hifi is not all that badā€¦
Not only are the smartswitches a good idea - you could argue thay improve safety at nightā€¦reducing the number of on devicesā€¦as for the summer the solar panels and battery take care of hifi consumptionā€¦without breaking into a sweat.

Is there a list from Naim on the ā€œleave-it-on-costā€, for various items. Including the olives. Like ā€œ252+SCDRā€, ā€œ135sā€ and so on?

I know - but Iā€™m a lazy person.

But Iā€™m sure youā€™re not too lazy to do a searchā€¦

Good post, thanks for that. Very thoughtful

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Just asking: does Naim, the company, have a corporate and social responsibility statement / position? I could not see any examples on its or Focalā€™s websites of policies on waste reduction, energy efficiency and sources, transport, allowing staff to volunteer for charities sever times a year, offsetting energy use / international travel with tree planting.

Please delete if this breaks any forum rules @Richard.Dane

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Found this via google :blush: if you go in and scroll down there is a corporate responsibility blurb section

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Thanks for the link ā€¦ Very anodyne ā€¦ but you have to start somewhere.

To some extentā€¦ especially with vintage electronics with valves and HT across electrolytics.
These days with predominately semiconductor and low voltage electronics not so much. Sure any large inductive load such as the primary of a large high efficiency transformer will have a surge currentā€¦ but they are/should be designed to handle that easily in normal useā€¦ so itā€™s a case of practical use. If you were turning on and off once a day it will likely be fineā€¦ if it was every 30 seconds 24/7 that would be an unreasonable wear and tear.

Electrolytic capacitors do deteriorate over time any way, and that increases when poweredā€¦ so keeping powered up over an extended time if not using will unnecessarily shorten their life and consume powerā€¦

The key consideration in terms of hifi is perhaps quiescent operating temperatureā€¦ and Naim recognize this, and many of their products contain circuitry to allow a high efficiency LPS (low power source) powersupply to keep such components powered up and optimum temperature when in stand by mode.

Indeed everyone can affect climate change and pollution in their own small wayā€¦ its is about changing consumption habits across so many parts of our livesā€¦ doesnā€™t all have to be about cutting down on gratuitous air and car (including EV) travel.

My elderly Mother, who is always worth listening to, says that we are all at risk of downward spiralling to the point that we completely give up in a state of mass morbid collapse, scaring the hell out of ourselves over global warming, poverty, welfare, the cost of living etc which is resulting in people concluding that they are entitled to everything and responsible for nothing. She goes on to say that the answer is not to continually tell people what vehicle they should or shouldnā€™t drive, to stop buying gramaphone records, or to stop eating meat (and sheā€™s actually a vegetarian), let alone block roads and stop people getting to hospital appointments, and the answer is to re-engender a spirit of personal responsibility, ingenuity and enterprise. Sheā€™s right!


Iā€™m getting increasingly unimpressed by many prominent boasts of green credentials. I may have been more irritated than justified by a worthy company that boasts ā€œAll the water in our products comes from the Lake Districtā€.

At first I resented this extraction - until I realised most/all of Manchesterā€™s tap water comes from there. A bit like Birmingham Car Washes boasting ā€œWe use only the finest water - from the unsullied Elan Valley in Wales.ā€

" ā€¦ explaining where Manchesterā€™s water comes from and the extraordinary Victorian engineering that is still in place today. In the early 19th century, the exponential growth of its cotton industry put the city at the centre of global manufacturing and trade which placed an increasing demand on water supplies.

The glacial valley of Thirlmere in the Lake District was identified as one of the purest sources of water in the UK. Following an act of Parliament, a 96 mile aqueduct was built to re-direct the water flowing from St Johns Beck to Keswick and further south to Manchester."

Also, long lists of things the product doesnā€™t, or no longer, contains. All, I presume, things no-one should be proud of including but somehow worthy of boasting you donā€™t.

Modern Slavery - you donā€™t indulge? Iā€™d like to take that for granted but might be interested in your treatment of staff. For that woolly reason Iā€™ve always favoured Waitrose and John Lewis and admired the ethos of many early Quaker manufacturers.

For too many companies, ethics is an exercise in ticking currently mandatory boxes.

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Absolutelyā€¦ it appears certainly in the UK that many expect things to be done to and for them, rather than taking personal responsibilityā€¦surely it needs to be a balance of collective responsibility. Taxation is another irritantā€¦ so many seem to want more state spending for this or that and often quite rightly so, however as long as they donā€™t need to personally pay more tax, but it somehow has to be paid for by others other than themā€¦ there does seem to be a whiff of selfish economic incoherenceā€¦ just like with climate change behaviours I feel.


Itā€™s all well and good to expect people to take personal responsibility, but many donā€™t think about these things or indeed donā€™t give a toss about their impact on others or the world more widely. Thatā€™s why legislation is required. Carrots alone donā€™t work.

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