Naim & Focal 10th Anniversary Edition

As long as it’s not fifty shades of grey

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There is some seriously hideous anniversary stuff online, which if I were to give to my wife for our Ruby, the year after next, would almost certainly guarantee that there would be no 41st!

Because designing and manufacturing a streaming preamp is a roughly comparable effort to painting existing boxes gray instead of black :man_facepalming:

This thread is all over the place. Some are unhappy that they didn’t release new models. At the same time others are unhappy that even this little exercise takes resources away from delivering classic black boxes. Yet others are simply offended by a color.


People eh? What do you do with them?

10th is wooden in Germany :wink:

Do you know what it is in France? If not, @frenchrooster hopefully will. I’ve been searching but cannot find it.

In Sweden it’s tin

Also tin according to Wikipedia.

Actually in Germany there are two names for it, “wooden marriage” or “Rosenhochzeit” = roughly “marriage of roses”. That would have been nice

Reminds me of a female colleague of mine who ordered the book back in the days but forgot to update her address and it got delivered at her parents place in India …


You just cannot find the staff these days. This is becoming a really serious issue. Again IMHO…Maybe Roy needs to come back out of retirement to lend a hand and provide some useful guidance at least. Difficult for anyone in the current climate.

I hope we the world can come out of this mess at some point hopefully soon.



I think people are doing Naim an injustice, this change has been years in the making.

We now know why they stopped shipping Powerlines in a tin box a few years ago. They were stockpiling the tin ready for the anniversary.

They did NAIT’s or maybe a preamp with a silver facia (5 Series / Classic) and that looked ridiculous, it’s a bit like the Statement system in the Focal office demo room, that’s been messed about with and has odd looking heatsinks on it.
To me it just seems like a needless vanity project, better in my mind to do nothing at all rather than just move the veg around the plate a bit, I’m firmly in the facepalm camp on this topic.

Matter all resolved. What Hifi have described this as a ‘sexy limited-edition set up’.

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5 Star no doubt.

No reviews - they have just looked at pics. And read 50 shades of gray

I see you can get concrete finish vinyl wrap

Anyone care to try it, I suspect it might stick better to 500 series components?

How hifi can possibly be considered sexy is beyond me.

Quite - concrete and tin really chafes

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And the demo track to be played on the system will be:

“Metal and (concrete) Dust”, by London Grammar.

OK, I’ll get me coat!

Edit: if you goggle for “songs with concrete in the title”, you’ll get quite a substantial list.
Similarly for “tin”, including that stalwart of audio shows, SRV’s “Tin Pan Alley”