Naim Fraim - is it worth it really?

The kit in-between the speakers is probably as bad as direct stacking. Get a Fraim (assembled just right) and stick the system to one side, as far away from the speakers as the cables will allow. It’s not gospel, but just good plain old ‘common sense’ for a various amount of reasons.

I know, sounds sht as it is, but what you gonna do.


Fair enough :rofl::sunglasses:

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I believe the great man JV himself had a setup like that - the power amps were in the next room (IIRC it was the kitchen, but I could be wrong on that).

I’ve had Fraim for many years now and the only thing that has spooked me is that tapping of the glass shelves to determine which side is uppermost.

Is it a myth or is it reality that the side of the glass that “rings” the most should be uppermost? I’ve tried this with all my shelves many times and can detect no difference from either side when trying to work this out🤷‍♂️

Is there a magical technique I need to be schooled on? Or is it just a myth after all?


When I owned Fraim although I thought the performance was superb and the best I’ve heard with Naim kit I hated the design. It got the desired results, but via a convoluted and over-complex bit of engineering IMO. I couldn’t help thinking that there must be a simpler way.

I now use Quadraspire SVT, but I no longer have Naim kit. The Quadraspire is a very simple and elegant design which sounds excellent. Probably not as good as Fraim with Naim kit though.

I was reading an article about Sally Gibb, head of The Chord Company, and it seems that she uses Andante Largo racks at home, but not with Naim kit. These are Japanese and are a Titanium frame with laminated wood shelves. Very expensive. I would love to try them, but they don’t seem to be easily obtainable in the UK.

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