Naim Fraim - is it worth it really?

Sounds like a plan then :sunglasses:

Must have nicked it from Tommy then … or is this a test? :laughing:


I think that joke was doing the rounds back then.

The old ones are the best!


Awesome !

Just pefect IMHO.


My system has changed somewhat since this Sergio but thanks. The Fraim is a very worthwhile audition to the system. :+1:t2:


Did you get some new slippers for Christmas too @popeye? :astonished: :see_no_evil::grinning:

Not that mine look any better :rofl:

I did but the ones in the original photo I wear when listening to the system as all the straggly bits aid with diffusion. :+1:t2::crazy_face:


You’re a spoilt man.

I’ll keep my M&S versions of those until it’s warm enough to be back in flip flops. :grinning:

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If there was ever a doubt about the Naim demographic, you are left in no doubt when the conversation turns to which slippers you are wearing? :0)


Slippers are a big part of the listening experience :rofl:

We all ‘slip’ into old age eventually…


@popeye is one of our more youthful members and clearly likes having cosy toes. We have stone flooring in the hall and kitchen and without slippers it’s really cold standing on the floor in winter. So why suffer?

I find the music sounds “off” if my feet are cold. I auditioned several pairs before I found the pair with perfect temperature regulation. :joy:


Yes thanks Nigel. Slippers are always worn in a house with young children as you only stand on Lego once…


Like your new avatar popeye! :+1:t3: Best Peter

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The upside-down rectangular ones are the real killers.


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I cant help but recall that stickle bricks were just as bad, if not a little more painful…

…don’t see them much any more, which may mean my memory is correct

I always found the Stickle Brick less ‘instantly searing’ in the pain department. It was the hint of ‘give’ in them that helped.


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Yes, they are more like that massage footwear with the little upward spikes. Lego is really bad, especially on a hard floor. I bought some Birkenstock slippers at the end of last year and they are just lovely.

I wear Birkenstocks also Nigel and they are lush! ATB Peter