Naim Fraim - is it worth it really?

Are you waiting for the Fraim Fairy to assemble those, Mike?

When the main system was in the lounge, I vowed never to get a Fraim. In my defence, its a Lite and I am adding my own glass shelves, balls and nuts that I already have.

People take this hobby, too seriously …
In your place I would first try the lite without any extras, listen, are you missing something in the end result and only then try to upgrade.
Enjoy the process.




Well done, are you going to add the glass? I didn’t assemble mine ( I did watch though) but my dealer put the glass on as he went. Might be hard to successfully slide it in now.

Thanks. Yes I was going to use the glass, but my dealer talked me in to starting without and using it as designed.

It seems to have done delightful things to the resolution and bass…

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Funny how they’re all different my guy did say the glass does help.

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I might slip one under the NDX2 as a trial at some stage. They won’t involve unplugging any cables.

But to quote you from a few years ago I wouldn’t die in a ditch over it. :grin:

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During the erection Mrs Mike caught me shaking my Burndy, which resulted in a hard stare :flushed::flushed::sunglasses:


Guess Ms Mike’s at school so it’s not that bad, you certainly wouldn’t be the first of us caught. :scream:

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So when changing fraimlite to full fraim is it 3 cups and 3 ball bearings per shelf or is there a cup on the glass side as well?

3 per shelf and a metal pin to stop the glass pushing off the back


Just as a note: the cups fit in to recesses and the pin fits in to a pre- drilled hole, none of which are present on the Fraimlite.

Ican it still be done?

There is a plastic cup that you can stick on the glass to minimise knocking shelf and it falls of completely !

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This is true until they themselves fall off. :0)


Worth noting that the glass should not make contact with the steel pin at the rear. That pin is only present for safety purposes to prevent everything sliding off the back of the shelf.

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There goes the weekend… :grimacing:

(Successfully stacked in the order they are to be built - so off to a good start then :roll_eyes:)

Just need to keep this one at bay for an hour…or ten…


bottom one at the top ?