Naim Fraim - is it worth it really?

It fits perfectly on Fraim glass, so i assume it should fit likewise on Fraimlite.

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Hi all - could anyone let me know the detailed dimensions of the Fraim Lite from top? I have an alcove space that is 59cm wide and 49cm deep - which I know is not wide enough, but maybe by placing the front of the stand out into the room I could make it.

Thanks J

Detailed dimensions can be found here under specifications;

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The key dimension is the width of the shelf part, which is 452mm. As quite a lot of the Fraim would protrude from the front, I wonder if a 500mm wide Hutter rack might be better? It would live wholly in the alcove without bulging out like a muffin top.

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Bear in mind that if you have kit with stiff burndies, then you need a depth of ~550mm + IME i.e. measured from the front of the Fraim and to keep the burndies away from the rear wall and allow them to hang free. Ideally (if you have burndies), Iā€™d work to 600mm as a proxy for required depth icon.

Can I be clear what is the threat from or to each component?
Pre-amp, power amp, hi-cap, streamer?
And if they must be distanced by how much?

Iā€™ve just taken some measurements using my own Fraim and I reckon you should be OK - youā€™ll only have the Fraim proud of the alcove about 5cm and of course it will allow a little extra leeway in depth too.

thanks - the current rack extends too - so I have 600mm space and the burndy (XPS to NAC272) is fine.
Cheers J

Great - thanks - it looks doable. J

I have NAC272 (to be replaced with NDX2), XPS DR, 282, Hicap dr/ps for 282 and 250dr - so 4 standard shelves plus base is my plan.

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No sure an annual strip down for Fraim is entirely necessary, perhaps needed after its first birthday. If you do that right (tightening and dressing) there is noting much to go out of whack.

Yes a Fraim strip down is a little daunting but if you go into it prepared and informed nothing goes wrong if you are methodical. That trepidation soon goes once you get stuck in. As I say, I have only gone to the lengths of a strip down and rebuild when an equipment move is needed every few years.


Indeed, after its first birthday or so, nothing is changing. I do an annual-ish stripdown & rebuild just to clean everything. Not because it needs to. That wouldnā€™t be different with any other rack.

Try as I might, I have never been able to line up all the shelf spikes so they donā€™t touch the sides of the indent. They line up empty but by the time equipment is in place and cables connected, everything has moved. Centring under load flexes the legs.

I find cable dressing and splitting brain and brawn beneficial but I havent found any point in worrying about the minutiae. Centring all the spikes, level or 2mm back from the edge, glass dinging or donkingā€¦I have tried them all and never noticed a difference.


I just did another strip down after 18 months. I was amazed how much tightening I could do. This was the scary part.
Leveling is another one that requires attention and centering the chips is not easy either.
While you get better at it every time, it is true that it takes 3 or 4 hours per stack. A ritual to follow on an early Saturday morning. The placebo effect is immediate.


Fraim Gremlins been busy in your house!

Are you on some sort of vibrating, floating floor?

Mine is still the same as I set it up ~15 years ago, still feels and looks solid.

That must be it indeed. The house vibrates a bit every time the bus runs by during the day.

I have the same. Our 100 year + old house vibrates from the garbage truck or any other heavy vehicle that passes (only 1 or 2 a day). The beamed wooden floors vibrate too. But my Fraim remains solid.

I know I should send the kids puncture the tires at the previous stop.

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Just try twisting any of the uprights and you may well find itā€™ll rotate marginally. If you havenā€™t tightened them in 15 years, you may find they need nipping up.