Naim glass or not Naim glass, that is the question

The LP12 sits on a Naim glass shelf on Naim cups and balls atop an Audiotech table. Given this table is supposed to offer legendary support for the Sondek in its own right, Is this a silly addition?

I don’t have an Audiotech table, but I know it’s one of the most highly regarded supports for the LP12. I’ve read several accounts on this and other fora of the addition you describe and all are positive. That said, I believe most of those involved the Audiotech shelf, and not the table, but it would certainly strike me as a worthwhile (and inexpensive) upgrade for your situation.

As you have the Audiotech and the Naim glass, surely all you need to do is to try it with and without the glass, come to a conclusion, and then tell us what you think. The addition is silly if it makes no difference or makes things worse, but not if it gives a solid improvement.

I once had an Audiotech, with the Pico for the original Lingo. It was a superb table, the only problem being the need to be on your knees to put a record on.


I agree with HH. Only you can tell if it’s a tweak too far or not.

Glass on BB’s seem to work wonders on a Fraim but won’t necessarily have the same effect on everything as it’ll depend on the relationship with the supporting structure.

Not silly to try but think your task for the day might be to do some back to back listening. Have fun!

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Notwithstanding the eminently sensible suggestion of trial by ear, I was wondering whether there was anything within Naim Lore or archived experience which might inform my actions prior to the ultimate test. :innocent:

Regarding knees: best use a minion.

Considering the LP12 likes light and rigid, and glass is only one of those things, I would go without the glass.

Additionally, if you’re using an LP12 with a Trampolin (either version), I would suggest looking for either a thicker shelf or replacing it with the solid baseboard and the tiny corner feet, otherwise you’ll experience sagging of the thin shelf the Audiotech comes with.

Yes, rigid but definitely not lightweight!

Clarification: Trampolin free but with solid base board.

I have always been intrigued by the LP12 on the top shelf of a Frame pattern of support. Heavy and rigid? Yet sound does not seem to suffer.

Not the best support for one, IMO. It won’t mess up the sound, and you can still get great results with them, but there are better (and cheaper) ways of supporting an LP12.

Indeed, hence the longevity of the antique Audiotech which has its own concrete plinth cut through a suspended floor.


I have a concrete floor and an Archidee table, but stick to an Audiotech wallshelf due to dogs and cats.


My LP12 sits on the top of my Fraim it certainly does not lake for musicality, floor is concrete with wooden floor, the Fraim sits on Naim floor protectors

The base f my LP12 is Urika

There is no bounce when walking on floor, never felt the need to go wall shelf of another level on top of Fraim

Very pretty Antz. did you try alternative supports?

my first equipment stand was Quadapire which is now being used on my sons system - I heard a number of other alternatives

I kind of knew what my end destination was going to be, so I got the system to a level were I thought the Fraim would add more - 282/HCDR/200 in those days and went for it

my dealer said it’s like adding another black box in terms of musical quality - in my view he was correct

So, Antz, are you happy with one Fraim for all or do you hanker for a separate one for the LP12l

No to be honest the investment vs the musical return I don’t think would be value

The signal path from LP12 goes from Urika straight into the DIN on 252, so as short as I can get

I am in a very happy place with my system and although I do plan to get my end speakers in early 2021 the major in investments in ££ has been done love my sources and electronics, so sure spending a further 3k or so on another Fraim would give the return in musicality sometimes we just have to say enough is enough

Don’t forget the bong or dong sound. Or so i believe.

Yes, thanks Martinzero. I can never remember which one’s right, though.

If it ends in a K it’s wrong.

Like Sputnik?
Good Job I have that extra vowel! :innocent: