Naim HDX with Innuos ZENmini S

Hello to anyone reading this; Does anybody know, or have experience with intergrating the above (Naim HDX & Innuos ZENmini)?
Already copied virtually all of my large collection over, but not quite all have copied, are recognised / been copied over… any help / answers will be much appreciated. Thanks in advanbce.

The best is to convert first the HDX files into Flac, before sending them to Innuos. If not you will encounter a lot of metadata problems.

Presumably your files are all FLAC? If they are visible on a computer, I would just copy them to a USB drive, stick that in the Zen Mini and transfer them over.

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…sorry for delay, but thanks for your info’/help :slight_smile:

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…sorry for delay in my reply, but thanks for your info’/help :slight_smile:

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