Naim Idiosyncrasies

I don’t get this one🤔, what am I missing? My speaker cables are 75cm…

@Rocketboy I hope I’ve not overpaid for cables that I’ve then also had to conceal as best I can but it’s my understanding that instead of having some output impedance built into the amp before the signal heads out, the speaker cable serves that function instead.


It’s the obsessive attention to detail.
Who else puts the exact number of cable ties in the exact locations, and bends the wires just so - and has figured out the best way of doing this for the best sound? I’m sure no one else does that.


No necessarily, on the NC stuff… I believe…


@Rocketboy I just had a bit of a rummage around the forum using 3.5m as a search term. There’s a few posts/FAQ on this including @IanRobertM ‘s point about the New Classic range (as opposed to those of us on the older iterations). Best to look there as it’s explained better than I could manage!

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You won’t go wrong having leads longer than 3,5 metres per side - but with some of the newer stuff, it may not be necessary…

With my CB/Olive NAP250 I have about 7,5 meters per side… :sunglasses:



Oh I see, yes I remember reading this at some point, and on another occasion they should be as short as possible! I’ve always gone with the latter, but who knows?!

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Thanks, I’ll have a read through.:+1:t5:

I think left mounted volume knob is idiosyncratic in that is the opposite of where you would be logically, based on most people being right handed. To be clear, it’s not a criticism, I love it!

Aah, the power after the pre is interesting, and would explain why Naim power supplies significantly affect the sound, got it, that’s exactly why I joined this forum :grinning::+1:t5:

I can’t look at the Chord kit, I know it’s great, but it takes idiosyncratic to a level too far for me.

Newb here, what does NC mean?

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Clearly I should work for Naim!:joy: that sounds like my level of detail! fantastic!:clap:t5:

Pleonasm vs Contradictio?

NC is short for New Classic, which so far is the 200 and 300 series of products.


But not all the products that have 200 numbers are NC, eg NAP 200 isn’t, NAC 202 isn’t, but NSC 222 is. Get’s even more confusing with the NAP 250 and the NAP 300…


IIRC, the speaker outputs being the “wrong way around” is a leftover from the early commercial amp designs. The first JV amp was a commercial design for a radio station.
Apparently, with the old commercial designs, the outputs were put that way to be read clearly (in the right order) from the rear panel of the box, as this was very often mounted as the “front” within a rack-mount scenario ……

This is still a prevalent practice within the networking/server/data centre worlds, as the Cisco rack in my workshop will attest to!


No, benefit of the external power supply to sound quality comes from isolation from sensitive electronics, while greater power capacity and quality of regulation can also contribute to sound quality. Using external supplies is not confined to Naim, but what is idiosyncratic and AFAIK unique, is routing the signal from preamp to power amp via the power supply, apparently done for earthing reasons.

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Music coming through one speaker more than the other when the volume control is whisper quiet.


It was but not with the NC equipment. Even with an NPX 300 connected, the signal is routed directly from the preamp to the power amp, not through the PSU.

Another idiosyncrasy: rear-mounted ON-OFF switches.


Oooh! This is the perfect thread for the balance control on a Nait 1.


That they run their own branded forum and let everyone vent their spleens about new products/management/future direction without censure.

Very bold compared to many !