Naim Idiosyncrasies

And not forgetting that the NVC TT and NPX TT are 300 series products and don’t have a number between them just to add to the confusion.


Had those on far too many things! But interestingly the only hifi unit I can presently recall was a Naim streamer - possibly most other stuff was lab based.

CDX2, and nDAC are a couple more with rear mounted switches….
Must be some more!?

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Easy to find by feel

And Unitiserve……

Oh, and all of the entry level olive slimline components……

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Got it! Thank you.

Good info! Cheers👍🏾

Something tells me this has been discussed many, many times before!:grinning:

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Not with the 272 either. It was something of a trendsetter.

I never knew that!

The original olive CDX has a rear-mounted ON-OFF switch. Seems like all the Naim CD players that could be operated without a PSU had one.

And I just thought it was because JV was a leftie.

In all the full width stuff, transformers and rectification go on front right and analogue circuits on rear and left. So even in a rack, the most delicate stages of a preamp or source won’t have a transformer directly next to them or above or below.

:joy: :joy:

My old Porsche has the key on the left hand side of the steering wheel and I love it as much as I love my Naim gear. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Couldn’t agree more, I am a Naim customer of thirty years and have been up and down the Naim ladder in terms of box count , I think the honesty pays for itself in that if there are problems the company knows what the consumer feels .e the Antipodean distributor question and the customer knows why problems occur I.e the problem with CD mechanisms

As for Naim idiosyncrasies DIN plugs are a stand out …

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And DIN dramatically reduces the cables round the back in bigger multi box systems. If you think the back of your system is a rat’s nest with DIN, imagine it without!

Given the advantages of the simpler connectivity, a single signal ground, and by extension less carrier real estate for conveying common mode and mocrophonic noise between components, I’m actually surprised it is so niche.


Actually the NVC TT existed for a fleeting moment as NVC 331 when the 200-series was launched, but then Naim changed their mind.

I didn’t know that.
I knew that it was part of the Soltice package, as was the NPX TT.

Ha! Nice! And assuming it’s a 911, the engines at the wrong end!:grinning::ok_hand:t5:

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Not always. Sometimes the engine wanted to go in front.