Naim in 2024 - what do you really really want?

I have. Very happy with it. But that’s not the point is it.

A CD transport, in preparation for the day when the mech fails in my CDS2


dCS Lina maybe? :thinking:


@Dan_M to get healthy :muscle::green_heart:


Yes, in that case it would be an NSC222 in old Classic design…:smirk: (Which will never happen of course)

It would be crazy but nice for me if Naim created replacement cards for obsolete or no longer repairable kit products to update them, even independently. The thought that a wonderful Naim box could end up in the recyclable waste gives me shivers. I would save all the old CD players with replaceable computer mechanics, the now obsolete HDX, NDX, NDS and early ND5 lines. I would even equip Nat analogue radios with internal digital cards.


dCS Lina does not have analog pre out. I would really really want a preamplifier in the same box.

For those at Naim who still believe there is not much of demand for high end CD players here’s just a list of UK Manufacturers who still (or are planning to) offer cd players at the $3200 usd or above:Rega,Leema,Cyrus,Roksan,Exposure (3510 CD forthcoming)


People think they know Naim’s business better than Naim. Priceless.

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Naim made it clear that the reason they phased out CD players was due to lack of demand. Even if demand returned to a point where is appeared viable, which seems pretty unlikely to me, relatively small companies like Naim likely don’t have the resources in R&D and manufacturing etc. to start again, given that they have, like Linn, made a full commitment to producing a range of streamers, designed and supported in house.
It may be no coincidence that most of the brands you mention as making CD players either don’t make streamers, or buy in streaming tech from a third party over which they have limited control.


So-Naim’s a SMALL company but Rega isn’t? Not a valid argument there


Bet if you ok a survey now from those who’ve owned them regarding a desire for higher level Naim cd players the results would surprise you.

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I’m sure the reason they stopped selling them was probably … that they sold so many it took up too much of their limited resources.

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There’s me jumping to my own conclusions … the truth is I have no idea.

You can get some slightly cheaper. The are some on the auction sites closer to the 3k mark currently.

I’m not so sure. Naims DAC architecture is quite well proven, and the limitation is more likely to be the specific DAC chip itself and the implementation of it. Improving on those costs money, so a cheaper unit I doubt will see much benefit. I believe the 333 dac stage is very similar to the NDX 2, someone correct me if I’m wrong.

But Naim however launched the “Solstice” … For how many people ?
And I can’t listen to my about 20 000 CD with only my NDX 2.
I need my Primare for that but it’s 20 years old, so please Mr/Mrs Naim, I would be very happy if you could think about a beautiful new CD Transport to connect behind my Naim streamer :wink:


The word on the streets of a certain English town is that resources are being put into releasing a Cassette recorder rather than a CD player. Mainly because they are now after the younger customers and they want cassettes.

Rega have made it clear they are not willing to design their own streaming platform due to the costs and have ruled out buying in a third party streaming platform. Perhaps it will change?

I want them to succeed economically.
And to make a modern Nait with a good mc riaa in a CB case.