Naim in 2024 - what do you really really want?

I’m sure they could quite easily tweak the Core to play CDs, like the Unitiserve can.


Exactly… they have the drive from TEAC for the Uniti Star…

Tidal Max support please.

Catch up with every other vendor out there.

products that don’t hum please…

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Would stop all the “non naim best CD transport” threads, wouldn’t it.

Surely a simple app & firmware update.

The Core should be such a great product, not the let down it is.


I’d like an update to NACA5. Something with Continuous Cast conductors and a bit more flexibility than NACA5.

It would be nice to see I2S & HDMI ARC connectivity where appropriate too. Many/most of us are using boxes with these connections. And many find I2S to be the best digital connector when it’s implemented well.


I don’t know about CC, but flexibility would be great indeed, especially when at a slightly lower price.

A Superline with two phono inputs would be special and solve a problem for me (I know, will never happen).

My wish: I just want to open the Naim streaming app and not see some Focal advertising.


I don’t remember seeing Focal ad there (or any ad for that matter) :thinking:

I think he means these ‘home’ screens….
Must admit, I’m not keen on ’Focal’ being there…in fact, I don’t really know why it has to be a grouped ‘Focal & Naim’ App at all….Both camps could happily exist with their own separate Apps (and really, what is Focal’s need - pair of BT Headphones…)

That said, once you are in your Naim hemisphere and regularly in and out of the App to your devices, it does just go straight to that side of the App, so it’s thankfully not as in your face as it could be……


Agreed, I had to go looking for the Focal advertising, I must have seen it at some point previously, but every time I use the app it just shows my UnitiQute as a device.


Gee, I guess I’ve been enjoying the app so much that I never realize that picture :thinking:. Thing is, when I open the app, it always go straight to “My Devices” part so I don’t see that opening picture.


Same here.

Yes, I said that in my last paragraph….

Me too

I might sound odd, but after owning Atom and now owning Nova I would love Naim to release an Atom 2 with say 70 W and simple tone control so that you can actually balance the sound without massive hit and miss mission costing thousands to get speakers / cables balancing the room sound. I know, it is against the tradition of Naim, but New Naim systems just get brighter and brighter, speakers get brighter and brighter and it gets harder and harder to get a fast dynamic yet warmer sound in many rooms with Naim systems and room treatment is rare in most cases when you are a typical Atom buyer.

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I’d like a Naim cassette deck or a mobile site radio with the legendary Naim sound quality. Please.

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If you want tone controls because you find the sound too bright, maybe Naim is not for your and you might find what you’re looking for from another brand.

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Why would assume that? Naim differs in brightness from system to system. Besides, if you read what I mentioned is the need to balance the room response. Sound system does not work in a limbo.

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