NAIM iOS App and settings

Hello, I am a relative new member on the forums and have only had a few months of hands-on time with the Naim mu-so qb2.

I have found myself many times in need of pairing my MUSO with my WiFi network anew, due to, having changed internet providers mainly, and I have noticed that once paired again, the app goes into a hard reset forgetting all of the settings that I have previously saved. That includes radio stations, order of presets, input layout order, alarms…et cetera.

Having to set up again from scratch all the settings, has resulted in losing a few radio stations that I can no longer go back to and have no easy way of retrieving.

Is there a clever way of keeping radio data within the app?

I don’t think it should reset presets etc. just because you change the wifi setup, this sounds wrong.

In any case, if you change internet providers and set up the wifi with the same wifi name and password on the new router, the Mu-so and other networked devices don’t care about the ISP, so you shouldn’t have to change their wifi configuration at all.

Sorry for taking that long to reply.
I should agree that indeed changing the name of the network to match the previous, does the trick, it is just uncommon - to me at least - that neither the app, nor the device itself keep “that” information through the pairing process to a new network.

Glad that the workaround worked, and I agree that the resetting seems strange! Unfortunately, I have no clue if this is the expected behavior of Naim units (never having used my streamers with wifi)

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