Naim kit - on or off?

When I read a 500 series owner complaining about the cost of leaving the equipment powered up I have to believe it’s satire.


Fawlty Powers

Really interested to know what energy a Smart Plug uses when it is not powering up anything? I was thinking of getting one for a satellite Mesh device, but when I looked at a couple of the boxes of these things, its consumption isn’t shown

Why? Capital costs have been paid for in the past. Ongoing running costs are the discussion point.

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I have good ideas from time to time!! Whether it’s the cost of energy or not, there seems to be something that makes you question whether the big system is still right for you. It’s not uncommon and many have downsized to something that better fits a new stage of their life, whether brought on by age, infirmity or reduced means. You clearly really like your Kanta 2s; I can see an ND555/SN3 setup working really well with them and I suspect you could be very happy with it. It would certainly cost a lot less to run. I have an NDX2 and Supernait 3 and find it much better than a Nova, a nice halfway house if you like. The last thing you want is to feel bad when listening to your music, the system needs to fit with your life.

The cost of fuel hits us all in unexpected ways. We sold our much-loved caravan last week as the massive cost of fuel was stopping us going to the places we wanted to go. The car was doing about 28mpg when towing, which stopped us going to Provence in June, which is where we really wanted to go. So we sold it, have rented a mobile home on a Provence campsite for a fortnight in September and put the proceeds from the caravan in the ISA. We have had some great holidays in it, but now it’s time for something else.


Hi @Granted

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I have 272/XPSDR/250.2 two sub BK P12 300 and the internet box … until now I leave on 24/24 it consumes about 95W/h in standby: 95X24= 2280W per day or 12.6 euros per month… This is not negligible, I think I will stop them when I work during the week and leave them on the weekend.

Yes, unfortunately I don’t think it would be beneficial for us currently.

So water instead tea, and then not worry about switching off the Naim gear?

But how much past tea consumption is required to make the numbers work? Obviously that’s system-dependent too, but I guess a lot of tea… :roll_eyes:

I thought someone would come up with the suggestion that the thread is supposed to be about whether you should listen to your Naim with your kit on or kit off. But no-one has yet….


Don’t you want to home demo before putting down hard earned cash! :wink:

You might not like it but @anon4489532 is 100% correct about the triple lock. The work by the Institute for Fiscal Studies, for instance, is pretty clear.

By contrast, families with children did poorly under Conservative governments. That’s also difficult to deny based on Institute of Fiscal Studies research, or work by the Rowntree Foundation.

And because of the neglect of families with children and the corresponding rise of children growing up in poverty we needed ManU striker to hold the government to account…


I also disagree that the triple lock has seen pensioners doing nicely. For those that rely on pensions it has not been at all comfortable let alone doing nicely. For the rest of us that may not ‘need’ the pension in the same way then it isn’t the triple lock that is the problem, it is the lack of means testing that may be significant. I’ll say no more as we are once again straying in to the political.

As you say we must not stray into politics. The root of the problem - low pensions relative to other developed nations, the state of the NHS etc - is that many people want great pensions and public services but don’t want to pay more tax, or even what they are paying at the moment. It’s just simply not possible to have something for nothing. People just don’t see the link between tax and services.


Having done the data gathering…

Run My HiFi = 40p a day
Kettle for 2 cups = 2.1p
Toast (2 slices) = 1.5p

Therefore both of us would need to drink 19 Cups of tea to match the HiFi cost (or in fact 27 lots of 2 slices of toast)


Noise floor is lower when off so that has to be a bonus.


Yes I drink lots of tea. My kettle consumes more electric than my Naim system could ever dream of. Over the years it will pale into a insignificance, it wouldn’t even touch the sides :smile::teapot::coffee:


Just had a quick look at my daily consumption. December was an average of 90kwh per day, July was an average of 16kwh per day. Anyone care to post their daily consumption. I really don’t know whether mine is good or bad, obviously winter is electric heating on.

Chez-HL does about 210kwh per month (inc. running plenty of kit) – rising to ~280 during the winter what with all the cooking etc. Gas is separate.

Surely not 90kwh per day? Is there a very large AC/heating cost in here?

This is the sort of analysis I, as a Yorkshire lad, need.

When describing the size of things to a US audience, we use football pitches. But when describing costs to me, cups of tea and slices of toast is definitely the right way to go.