Naim NAC 152XS, NAP 150 and HiCapDR

Hello Everyone

I am willing to setup a second system for my office, by recycling some of my old gears. What I already have is a NAP150 and HiCapDR.
I have in mind the NAC152XS which can be improved with the HiCapDR.
However reading the manuals I am very confused as the NAC152XS has no power entry, and needs to be powered by the NAP155XS (however mine is the NAP150).

My question is: Can I use the HiCapDR to power a NAC152XS, or is this only for evolutions?


To answer your question, yes you can.

The NAC152XS is typical of Naim preamps in that it can be powered by a Naim power amp or a Naim power supply. So your NAP150 would do the job. (When was it last serviced?)

Conceptually the NAC152XS is similar to the NAC202 and NAC282. Two power supply upgrades are offered. On the 202 and 282, the first is fulfilled by a NAPSC which powers the control circuits etc, and the second typically by a HC which links the preamp to the power amp. (On the 282, a second HC can also be added but I am trying to simplify).

On a NAC152XS the manual shows both tasks (upgrade 1 and upgrade 2) being undertaken by FCXS, and this is how I have mine. Another configuration shown is FCXS on upgrade 1 and HCDR on upgrade 2. Somewhere (though I can’t find it now) a connection diagram exists showing upgrade1 and upgrade 2, each with a HC.

I think a NAC152XS will make a rather nice second system. But this being the Naim forum, there will be people saying get a 202, 282, N-272 or Nova instead!! :-)))


Thank tou so much for supporting me!
Yes right, the 202 and beyond will do better :joy:
This is a small office, speakers are small as well (Cabasse Bisquine II), so it makes not much sense, but I will look into it anyway.

Other option is to sell the ND5XS2, Nap150 and HiCapDr (brand new, not used!) and buy the NPX300 for my new classic 200, not sure yet…

I used this configuration for a while and was good enough for a main system.


The 152XS is a fine little preamp.
In some ways I preferred it to 202.


The one thing I miss the most about the 152XS is how accurate the remote control volume adjustment is, not sure why the 202 is such a mess in this regard.

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The 152 has the same motorised Alps volume pot as the 202, so I guess the adjustment should also be the same, although input sensitivity is different.

Seems like that would be the winner, with a used MuSo in the office.


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