Naim Nac 92 Nap 90 upgrade path

Good afternoon one and all,

I hope all is well and some of you wonderful folks could give me some advice. I am very new to the Naim gear world but I am very happy with what I have. I have 2 simple systems, 1 is a Nac 92/Nap 90 the other is a Nait XS2 and a fc2x.
I have a few questions, if anyone would be kind enough to give me some advice.

I want to keep the equipment I have and not really want big wattage equipment etc, due to where I live.

A- So with the olive gear, is it worth using a Hicap instead of a Flatcap?
B - Can I use the Flatcap 2x with the olive gear and XS2, to use between the 2 systems? Or be better having them separate?
C - With the Nac 92, can you use only 1 Nap 90 or 2 of them?
D - Was there a StageLine (olive) made?

These may seem very simple questions, but I am early into my Naim journey. At the moment I want to enjoy what I have, then in the future step up to other items in the range. Any advice would be appreciated.



I had a Nac92 and Nap90 a few years ago and it was a good amp I did get an Olive flatcap and this allows an additional Nap90 to be added so one can bi-amp a set of speakers. For me, this was a good setup and worked well.

If you want to go beyond that it means a complete change in my view. A Hicap would help as it is a better power supply than a Flatcap but It will be a smallish change to the present setup a hicap would be better used on a different pre-amp.

If you want to stick to small profile boxes and are OK with buying used a Nac122x or 152x is a good option along with a NAP200 a Flatcap XS or Hicap would be a great addition. A Nac202 would be a good option with a Napsc.

If you can get them the cards that went into the NAC92 are just fine but a Stageline would be needed for a pre-amp upgrade. The circuitry is not that far off the olive internal board options. I think the Stageline is a very good unit.

There is not any issue mixing later Flatcap models with your olive boxes.

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Thanks for the info. Exactly what I was wanting.

With respect to the phono cards, I have them in the Nap 92, but was thinking a StageLine maybe has a better sound as it is separate and separately powered?

Yes, they are separate and it is a very good device and good value. You will need a Flatcap 2 as a minimum if you want to power your NAC92 from a flatcap 2. They and the above models will power both you can get 2 olive flatcaps of course as an alternative but for money wise I expect a flatcap 2 would be a cheaper route.

If you had a NAC 122x for example they can pass power through the link to a stageline but there is no such facility on a NAC92 as I recall.

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Do not underestimate the Naim built in Phono boards. I believe the circuits inside a Naim Stageline are very similar to the built in boards …


Do you know the service history of this gear? Don’t waste money on power supplies etc. until you are sure that the items you have are functioning as intended, otherwise it will never sound right.
If they have never had a service the amps and power supplies will need a recap by now. If in doubt, call Naim service dept and give them the seial numbers. They will have a record of any service work they have carried out.


Already done that. Serviced in 2020 by Naim.

Wise Words… Best to be sure. If In Doubt - Get It Looked At - and Serviced.

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Then you are good to go! Personally I would consider a Flatcap for the 92 rather than a Hicap. A matching olive style one shouldn’t cost too much, although a later model would be fine too if you don’t mind a visual mismatch.

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Understood. My own situation is the similar. Though this is not what you are asking about, speakers which are of around 88dB sensitivity and without low impedance dips, say, averaging 6 Ohms, will help you here.

Hope it works out.


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A- So with the olive gear, is it worth using a Hicap instead of a Flatcap?
B - Can I use the Flatcap 2x with the olive gear and XS2, to use between the 2 systems? Or be better having them separate?
C - With the Nac 92, can you use only 1 Nap 90 or 2 of them?
D - Was there a StageLine (olive) made?

Hicap is better than Flatcap on amps/preamps, no doubt.

Yes if your preamp has the plugs needed, check with online manual.
Doubt you can use them silmoustanely.

Only with a Hicap or Flatcap.
People will say you need more cables and 2xNap90 is not any upgrade, go to a Nap 140 for example.

Not to my knowledge, Olive range used 3xx/5xx phono cards.
Stageline basically consist of these cards inside.

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I believe your XS2 have AUX2 which can power up Stageline., otherwise a Flatcap can.


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