Naim nac112x/nap150x

Hi I’m new to this and haven’t had Naim equipment for 30 years
can anyone explain what I can use with my entry pre amp, at present I power it through the power amp, I’m waiting on a stage line to connect my deck( linn LP12) and in near future want to add a cd & a flatcap
Q is where do I connect all these, looked at manuals but still confused

It’s all here:

Connect Stageline to alternative input 6. Connect Flatcap to 112 as per picture. Connect 150 to Flatcap as per picture, using the socket next to the one used to power to 112.

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If you add a flatcap, make sure it is serviced. You can use it both for the preamp and cd player and it will be a nice step up.

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So stage line in 6 ‘that’s the deck sorted.
If, which I will, want to use a cd will this plug into 112x.
Or if it’s a Naim cd through the flat cap.
My confusion is the wiring, do naim cd’s plug into flat cap for power and 112x for its Signal

Be sure that your Stageline comes with the (genuine) SNAIC5 you’ll need to connect it to the pre-amp.

Same for the Flatcap. It should come with a SNAIC5, which you will need for the connection to the pre-amp. The Flatcap provides the pre-amp with 2 x 24V DC power and also takes in the pre-amp output signal - it provides the pre-outs. You then connect the NAP150x power amp to one of the Flatcap’s pre-outs.


You connect the Flatcap to the CD player as shown in the manual, using a Snaic 5.

The CDP connects to the preamp with a standard interconnect, regardless of whether it’s being powered by a Flatcap or not. The CDP needs to be connected to the mains, even with a Flatcap connected.

Bear in mind that it’s the 3 and 5 series players that can use the Flatcap. The best of these is the CD5XS, followed by the 5x and the original 5. The CD3.5 will also do it, but they are getting very old. Naim have challenges in maintaining the older players, so it may be wise to look at something like a Rega Saturn, which is very good.

[quote=“Jeff57, post:1, topic:36285”]
and in near future want to add a cd & a flatcap[/quote]

Be sure that it’s a Flatcap2, Flatcap2x or Flatcap XS if you want to power your preamp and a Naim CD player.

(Players such as Naim’s CDX2 and above cannot be fitted with any Flatcap. This is because they have more sophisticated power supplies.)

My first Naim kit, NAC112 / NAP150 / CD5 SX / FlarCap.


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Same here.

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