Naim Nait XS 2 or 1

For anyone heading for whatever the latest preamp from the 300 series is called, I will happily accept their NAC552 cast-offs. My NAP155XS is a keeper though.

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I actually bought mine along with the ATCs and it was a good combination.

Curiosity during lockdown saw a HC DR arrive to replace the Flatcap but it was not good - manic is a word I’ve seen used to describe the effect and I would agree!

Futher curiosity lead to the XS2 being replaced by a SN3 (with the HC DR) and that was certainly better. Now I have a Nait 50 and not looking back.

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Multifaceted and not just to encourage upgradeitis.

one of the better social ‘hifi’ zones…

when I was on training wheels I kept wondering which of my posts ‘wouldnt clear’ (moderation); turns put they are jot policing ideas that save money or reduce need for upgrades.
I thought a few of my (early) posts walked some fine lines, perhaps, but that the wonderful site here exists for the community and the knowledge store found within.

a rare pleasure/‘joy’ to still experience on the net.
almost like ‘bulletin board’ level of community :smiley:

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Absolutely web forum based communities tend to be great places…. There a few rotten ones, but most are great where participants tend to get to know the online community members.

The great thing about this one is that it is funded by a renown UK consumer electronics manufacturer… and as such is not plagued with adverts… the membership tends to be rather loyal and regular to the forum too with a good sense of community.


I believe Naim had got jiggy with computer testing of boards (theoretical) and modelling many hundreds of boards in a small time vs the time limitations of actually having to build and test…
This is what possibly had them lean off the cascode filter, which had an uptick in perceived speed/‘responsiveness’ (slew rate?)…
Whilst the boards may look ‘somewhat the same’, they also look ‘quite different (refinement)’ with each incarnation.

The XS3, whilst I wouldn’t go so far has the strengths of the Supernait line (double raw push power/‘amperes’); a few have likened it has having 'aspects of the Supernait sound.

I use my volume control in the 0820 to 0945 range, the later punching happily into mid 80s (dBs), whilst being dynamic and resolving ~58dB lows…
I find that volume level, combined with the clean playback, a very engaging and revealing listen - an insight into the recordings I am familiar with…
Would I WANT a Supernait: yes and no !

The notion of the DR power supply (trickle down) technology: yes
RCA plugs being handled properly internally (so as my RCA cables wouldn’t be hamstrung by superthin PC data cable /‘internal handling’ as in the XS range): yes
Potential bigger stage, clearer blah blah blah blah… (etc): maybe
I LIKE the XS due to how small it is… how little power it draws… how perfectly it does what is required from it, and the fact that in AV-Bypass mode, the internal power supply basically just feeds it as a ‘power amp’ (and I have a pretty solid feeling that I will be tapering down the front left and right channels when I DO hook this up to an AV processor.
Sure thing… back when I used to run multichannel power amps, and many (many) speakers, the extra headroom on offer with the SuperNait would be useful.

For now I beleive that the XS has enough power to ‘run on solar’ very effectively, and to take up less space in the motorhome than any other option that might have met my audio needs’.

If I had large inefficient 4ohm tower speakers, and liked listening to my music at GREATER THAN 85dB (always) then my need for a Supernait would be a sure thing.
For the money saved (perhaps a DAC upgrade equivalency , etc…), buying the ‘lesser’ Nait still brings a smile to my dial.

Has that engineered Naim house sound.
and that green illumination is just beautiful,… especially as hallway /‘runway’ lighting for a walkzone ‘afterhours’.
…oh yes the Naim is so cheap to run, and ‘designed to do so’, that leaving her on always is the aim…


Great post, thanks! (happy XS3 owner who can relate)

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