Naim NNPO2 - What Is it...?

Spotted this on eBay UK - Naim NNPO2 - listed as 2009 -

No sign of it in the Naim Product History.

What is it…? Any offers…?

NN was NaimNet, a quick Google for NaimNet NNP02 found this. (Helps to know to search for NaimNet.)

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Here’s a previous thread on it too :slight_smile:

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@Eoink @gthack - Thanks both.

It looked legit to me (so not a Chinese clone), but I had never seen one before.

The Source of All Things Naim.


I was quite surprised at Richard’s take on them in the other thread, “avoid like the plague” would be another way of putting it X) Though does go on to point out their usefulness to Naim in developing their later networked devices :slight_smile:

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