Naim NVC TT or Rega Aura Phono Stage

Had a superline/supercap (pairing my RP10/Dv XX2-MK2) but was not fully convince with the result (not talking about so many boxes).
Though that “something” was missing, not detailed enough in my system and in my room .

Then had a try of the Aura…was amazed by the result. So got a brand new Aura… and still amazed (and less boxes too :wink: )

So as always …try and decide by yourself…in your room. (Your room will definitely dictate it own way…system…no matter size, price and what you would add to it ….room first… always ) :wink:

“More” is not always “better”


I have only heard the NVC with the NPX TT powering it. @Philsprst commented on the difference in the Show Us Your Sondek thread if memory serves me well. Interestingly we have both chosen the same cartridge for our LP12s, the Dynavector XX2 Mk2.


Thanks, I am planning to demo with and without the NPX TT but somehow guessing what the outcome might be! But let’s see, may be more importantly, if the 222 works just as well while powering also the NVC TT, and it improves significantly over the integrated phono, might consider without the PSU and keep it simpler.

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For me it was the same.
Had a Superline and Supercap, but much to my surprise the Rega Aura (to my ears) simply sounded fuller and more satisfying. I bought it without hesitation.

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Just out of curiousity, @Hififan , what cable do you use to connect the Aura to your Uniti Nova?

Hi Klout10 , im using the “Rega Couple 2” (same as the one between my RP10 and the Aura…) This to keep the same signal from E2E.

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I have the TT running on the 222. No audible difference in the digital or analogue sections with the TT connected. The difference between the internal 222 phonostage and the TT was significant in terms of overall resolution and presence of the music with an MM cart. I cannot tell you what the TT with the NVC is like. Given that the TT draws 300mA at 18v (a minuscule amount of current), I am speculating that the power supply in the 222 has sufficient headroom to accommodate without any type of degradation.


Just adding from my experience and impression. I have the NVC TT into a NSC222. First, plugging in the NVC TT has no effect, as far as I can tell, on any of the other functions of the 222. I did demo the NVC TT alone and with the special power supply. Adding the NVC power supply does produce a fairly big improvement, very similar to the effect of adding a power supply (like a HICAP) to any previous Naim phono/preamp. I mentioned in the other thread that from a budget perspective the NVC TT is almost half the cost of the Aura which did sound very good and better. However, from my perspective, when you add the NVC power supply the difference between the Aura and the powered NVC TT becomes quite small.


That’s encouraging to hear from you and @philiprst, thanks both. I’ve previously compared the internal phonos of the SN3 (a bit more thoroughly) and the 222’s (less so) with external phono stages up to around £800-1200 and the Naim integrated ones have been holding really well, largely similar or better in some respects. Certainly not justifying an external one at that level for me.

Now with the NVC TT being available I’ve decided to give another go and see how much improvement I could be getting. Should be able to audition soon.

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I could be wrong but I think it is only with the 222 and 332 that the NVC can be used without the NPX TT.



I believe you are right. The 333 and 222 are the only ones that can supply the NVC TT. Otherwise you need the NVC TT without its power supply (NPX TT).

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