Naim Power Amp for Focal Aria 936


Recently purchased a pair of Focal Aria 936 speakers (lovely) and using a CA 740a integ amp 100 W/C.

I believe my amp can be used as a preamp and I’m curious about how my system would run by hooking up a Naim power amp to the Cambridge Audio amp as a preamp.

Is the Cambridge (preamp) ‘good enough’ for this or would it be a burden on the Naim power amp?

Love to hear your responses😁


Welcome Peter.

A bit more information might help.

Most important what is your budget? New or would you be happy with s/h?
Are you going to be able to dem in-store or better still at home?
Are you committed to keeping the Cambridge and WIIM long term? If not then something from the Uniti range might be a more ‘whole system’ upgrade than a standalone power amp, depending on budget of course.
Are you using a speaker cable compatible with a Naim amp (see FAQs).
What do you want ‘more’ of from the sound?

Focal speakers have a reputation for taking a very long time to settle down, just bear in mind that if they are very new it might be worth giving them some time before making changes.


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The issue here is that you have a budget source and budget amplifier, which really aren’t up to a Naim power amp. If you want to get Naim into the system, an ND5XS2 and a Supernait 2 or 3, or a Nova, is probably a better way to go. You could connect your CD player to either.

Also, make sure you can listen to a Naim amp somewhere or be prepared to adapt to the taste or sell it on. Cambridge amps sound quite different to Naim amps. Cambridge is a tad warmer, more 3d / spatial than Naim. Naim is more boogie, speed than all the hifi tricks. Your best bet might be to replace it by a Naim XS3 or if budget allows a SuperNait.

I’ve heared your Focals with a Nait XS3 / ND5XS2 and it sounded wonderful.

Your Focals are good value for money.


I would not try ‘mixing’ amps like this… :thinking:

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I would say a Mcintosh or a Jadis tube amp fit your 936 well. I love 936 as well

Hi there, I previously used an Arcam A22 Integrated AMP as a pre-amp to my then owned Arcam P35 power amps in a bi amp set up. Whilst the A22 did a job as a pre-amp, I later upgraded to a pre-amp proper in a Musical Fidelity A3 I think. There was a substantial improvement using the A3 even though it was a different brand to the powers. I now use a Townsend Allegri +_the lesson I have learnt over time is just how important a good pre-amp is, I would go as far to say more important than the power. I think, I would be inclined to try and source a Naim Pre if I were you, maybe sell on the Cambridge and try and source used, lots of very trusted dealers out there.

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