Naim QB advice

Due to various life changes my Naim system and Roksan turntable are gone. I am looking for the perfect, simple system to listen in the bedroom. The QB seems perfect, if a little expensive for me at the current moment. How would a first generation QB perform both soundwise and ease of use compared with the newer version?

Plenty available on eBay at present at reasonable prices. I think the 2nd generation is a lot better than original one.

I still use the first generation in my kitchen … nothing to complain!

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We have two QB’s Gen 1 and we love them, never missed a beat!! + small foot print and sounds incredible!

There are some comments on here about the first generation model being a bit patchy connecting to wifi. Would you be using WiFi?

I have a 2nd gen model and it’s great

The 1st gen Musos have an ancient 802.11g WiFi module, which might work fine if your home network is robust, but the chances of connection failures is much higher than with later versions. A wired Ethernet connection is a safer bet here.
If you have locally stored music, or want to use Spotify or Tidal, a 1st get Muso supports them. It also works with AirPlay or Bluetooth, but not Chromecast, so it depends what music you want to play on it.

I’m using the QB wireless via the router which was provided by my internet provider and never had any connection issues.

Yes, it would be Wi-Fi.

I would be using Spotify and in time figuring how to connect hard drives with ripped cds.

You should be fine with Spotify Connect.
Ideally you want a UPnP server running on a NAS or computer on your home network for CD rips.

Or just a USB hard drive or memory stick with your music on,much cheaper

You will only get a very basic folder view using the USB input. Fine for a handful of albums on a USB stick, but not good for browsing a music library.

Hi @AlanRP and welcome to the forum.

I have a Muso QB1 which is located in our main bedroom. It is connected wirelessly and Wi-Fi reception has never given any problems. There’s also a Naim Atom in another bedroom which is used as an office and the QB works well with multi-room to extend the sound from the office to the bedroom. I have no intention of changing it at the moment. Nevertheless, were I to do so, I would certainly go for the QB2. There’s at least three reasons.

  1. As has been pointed out above the Wi-Fi implementation in the QB1 is pretty old, now. You’re less likely to run into Wi-Fi problems with the QB2.

  2. The first generation works less well with streaming services such as Tidal and and not at all (without fiddly workarounds) with Qobuz. You may not use these at present. Neither did I when I got into streaming, but Qobuz has been a game changer in my listening habits.

  3. The QB2 has improved sound. I have not done a direct comparison between the generations myself and reports on the improvement vary from huge to minimal, but pretty much all agree it is better.

If you can possibly stretch your budget to the QB2 that’s what I’d suggest.


I have a QB1 and it’s fine. You do need good wifi but once that is sorted it’s rock solid and sounds great - a bargain!

Forgive my ignorance as I’ve never kept up on certain things but is it possible to test how competent my Wi-Fi is?

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