Naim Qobuz app

Hello all,

I recently moved from Deezer Chromecast to the Qobuz in Naim (Nova). The sound is much better (a discovery for me).
However, the Naim Qobuz app is just crap (sorry for this word), One example, when looking at the albums of an artist, there are no dates displayed, hence what is the latest…
Difficult to use this app, so poor.
Will it be improved?

Thank you, Francis

27 hours experience as a new Qobuz user so still a tad to learn. The lack of dates is frustrating but I have found if I look at the artist when using the app on my iPad the album dates are shown. This helps me then look in a more focussed way when using the Naim app. A bit clunky swapping between the two so hopefully somebody with more experience will come up with something more sensible.


It’s Qobuz that needs to change, but that seems very unlikely if you look at the total mess they have made of updating their downloader software. Anyway they are proud of how it is - just look at the self-satisfied Qobuz Club app.

The Naim app is basically about letting you get the streamed output from Qobuz into your Nova and that works well.


Aren’t the albums shown in reverse date order? That appears to be the case for Tidal. Although it’s the re-release date when they are re-mastered etc

The Qobuz ergonomy is incredibly bad.

And the Naim search which goes on the top of it, is dumb.

Example: searching for ‘Diana Krall Christmas’ returns all kind of albums but not the right one…besides you can not search by genre, etc

I don’t think Qobuz is the guilty, I have the impression it is the Qobuz api usage and display in Naim app.

I enjoy my Naim + B&W speakers + Qobuz but the app is terrible.

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