Naim Radio

Is anyone here a regular listener of Naim Radio?

I like the sound, and most of the music, but the thing I struggle with is the lack of curation. Today as an example, some nice Jazz turned to some Metal in a few songs. I don’t mind either, but it’d be nice if there was more of a progression. It feels as if there’s just a big bucket of music and someone pressed shuffle.

Jus curious if it’s a popluar station / others can live with this.

I think it is on shuffle! One for @JT_NaimRecords

I runs thru Naim Records portfolio & others, a mix of genre, classical, jazz, modern new age. sometimes I like it, other times not so much with the switching from classical to modern, I mostly prefer all classical or all modern, not the mix.

I’m a fairly regular Naim Radio listener and agree that the sudden switch of genre (jazz or classical to heavy metal) can be jarring. Might Naim consider separate channels ? … e.g Naim Radio Jazz. I suspect the ‘eclectic’ mix follows the original founder’s philosophy.

What is the url for naim radio, i’d like to see if i can listen to it via roon.

Just search for “naim radio” in roon and scroll to see live radio, it’s there.
If you need it, the url is

Found it. Many thanks

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